CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Aurélie Varrel

Aurélie Varrel

Research Fellow
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)

Professional contact information
54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris - Office 710


The research conducted

My research falls within two areas: urban studies and migration studies, from a spatialized perspective. After having worked on Bangalore for my PhD, I have extended my fieldwork to several other South Indian cities (Chennai, Pondicherry, Coimbatore) and to the United Arab Emirates, which is a privileged site for the observation of the Indian diaspora.

Within the field of urban studies, my work is focused on metropolitan dynamics in South India, via two points of approach: post-liberalization economic dynamics, through the case of the IT service sector (Chennai IT Corridor, forms of dissemination in second-tier cities); the question of urban development policies, through a situated analysis of the implementation of the national “Smart Cities” policy, launched in 2014.

In the field of migration studies, my work explores the intersection between “southerly” urban production and international migrations, through research on “homeland real-estate.” These two lines of inquiry have lead me to begin new fieldwork in the United Arab Emirates, which raises new questions from a double perspective of the social geography of diasporas and of the comparison with other migrant groups through the MAGMET team.




2017 - 2022 | Director of the GIS Asie (UPS 299)

Editorial Board Member, Cahiers d’Outre-Mer


Research groups


2014-2018 | Co-coordinator, with David Picherit of the group South-Asian Mobilities

2010-2013 | Co-coordinator, with Loraine Kennedy, of the Politiques socio-économiques et restructurations territoriales team


Key words


Cities, urban policies (Smart Cities)

ICT, IT sector


International migrations, diasporas



Fieldwork locations


In India: Tamil Nadu & Karnataka: Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Pondicherry

United Arab Emirates


Recent publications


2015 | Landy Frédéric, Varrel Aurélie,  L’Inde. Du développement à l’émergence. Paris, Armand Colin, 288 p.

Chapters in collaborative research volumes

2015 | VARREL Aurélie et al., “Inde,” “Pakistan,” “Bangladesh.” In SIMON G. (ed.) Dictionnaire géo-historique des migrations internationales, Paris: Armand Colin, multiple pages.

2012 | VARREL Aurélie, “Explorer le web immobilier indien.” In DIMINESCU D. (ed.) E-Diasporas Atlas. Exploration and Cartography of Diaspora on Digital Networks, Paris: Editions de la MSH, “praTICs” series.

2012 | VARREL Aurélie, “Gender and intergenerational issues in the circulation of high skilled migrants. The case of the Indian IT professionals.” In Kofman E., Kohli M., Kraler A., Schmoll C. (ed.), Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, “IMISCOE research” series, pp. 335‑354.

2011 | RAJAN Irudaya, VARREL Aurélie, PERCOT Marie, “Introduction.” In RAJAN Irudaya, PERCOT Marie (ed.), Dynamics of Indian Emigration. Historical and current Perspectives, Delhi: Routledge, pp. 1‑19.

2011 | VARREL Aurélie, “Migration in the light of the new Indian diaspora policy: Emerging transnationalism.” In RAJAN Irudaya, PERCOT Marie (ed.), Dynamics of Indian Emigration. Historical and current Perspectives, Delhi: Routledge, pp.254-269.

2010 | VARREL Aurélie, “La clôture des espaces résidentiels à Bangalore. Processus, pratiques et acteurs.” In DUPONT Véronique, LANDY Frédéric (ed.), Circulation et territoire dans le monde indien contemporain, Paris: éditions du CNRS, “Purusartha” series, pp. 283-307.

2009 | VARREL Aurélie, “Back to Bangalore. L’émergence d’un pôle urbain dans la circulation migratoire des migrants indiens les plus qualifiés.” In CORTES Geneviève, FARET Laurent (ed.), Les circulations transnationales. Lire les turbulences migratoires contemporaines, Paris: Armand Colin, 2009, pp.199-209.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

2014 | VARREL Aurélie, “L’émergence d’un marché transnational de l’immobilier indien,” Autrepart, dossier “L’argent des migrations,” No. 68, pp. 233-246.

2012 | BRUSLÉ Tristan, VARREL Aurélie, “Places on the Move: South Asian Migrations through a Spatial Lens,” South Asian Multidisciplinary Journal, dossier “Revisiting Space and Place: South Asian Migrations in Perspective,” No. 6. URL: http://samaj.revues.org/3439

2012 | VARREL Aurélie, “NRIs in the City. Identifying international migrants’ investments in the Indian urban fabric,” South Asian Multidisciplinary Journal, dossier “Revisiting Space and Place: South Asian Migrations in Perspective,” No. 6. URL: http://samaj.revues.org/3425

2009 | VARREL Aurélie, “Le retour des informaticiens indiens. Perspectives migratoires sur le secteur indien des TIC.” Networks and Communication Studies, vol.23, No.3-4, pp.263-280.

2009 | VARREL Aurélie, “L’Inde, puissance émergente ?” Echogéo, No.10. URL: https://echogeo.revues.org/11454

Other publications

2016 | JACQUET Antoine, VARREL Aurélie, RICHARD-FERROUDJI Audrey, “Quand les migrants sont français: la population française de Pondichéry,” Cahiers des IFRE, No. 3, pp.58-67.

2015 | ROUANET H., VARREL A.“De Bangalore à Whitefield : trajectoire et paysages d’une région urbaine en Inde.” In Le monde indien : populations et espaces, Géoconfluences. URL: http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/informations-scientifiques/dos"siers-regionaux/le-monde-indien-populations-et-espaces/articles-scientifiques/de-bangalore-a-whitefield

2015 | Book: SAHOO A.K., DE KRUIJF J.G. (eds) (2014). Indian Transnationalism Online. New Perspectives on Diaspora.Farnham, Ashgate. In Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, No. 24, pp. 130-132.

2011 | VARREL Aurélie, KENNEDY Loraine.  Mega-projects and Mega-events, Policy Brief /Research Note No. 3, Workpackage 2, Chance2Sustain Program, European Commission, 7th PCRD. URL: http://www.chance2sustain.eu/30.0.html

2010 | Entries: “Ville,” “Bangalore,” “Karnataka,” “NRI,” “NASSCOM”; “immobilier,” “centre d’appel” (co-author). In LANDY Frédéric (ed.). Dictionnaire de l’Inde contemporaine. Paris: Armand Colin, multiple pages.

Reports published as part of research projects

2014 | Kennedy Loraine, Varrel Aurélie, Denis Eric, Dupont Véronique, Dhanalakshmi R., Roumeau Samuel, Baud Isa, Pfeffer Karin, Sridharan N., Vijayabaskar M., Suresh Babu, Seifeislma Aisha, Saharan Tara. Engaging with sustainability issues in Metropolitan Chennai: City Report (63 p.). Chance2Sustain Program, European Commission, 7th PCRD. URL: http://www.chance2sustain.eu/66.0.html



Last update: 15 November 2017 (NG)







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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

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