CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Damien Krichewsky

Damien Krichewsky

Postdoctoral Fellow
Field(s): Sociology

Professional contact information


Research fellow at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft of the University of Bonn (Germany)




Damien Krichewsky’s research looks into the restructuring of relationships between state authorities and business actors in India, in a context in which the latter are gaining increasing significance in the country’s development policies and processes. Combining political sociology, economic sociology and the sociology of organizations, Damien Krichewsky’s work covers three areas of research.

As part of his PhD research, which was awarded the RIODD dissertation prize in 2013, Damien Krichewsky examined the conditions of emergence, the forms and implications of CSR in India. Using a historical analysis of business-society relationships in India since the late 19th century, as well as in-depth empirical studies conducted in the cement industry, this research shows how India’s contemporary political economy enhances the operational autonomy of companies while encouraging a focus on financial performance. By disrupting pre-existing social compromises between profit-making and competing collective expectations of “development,” this trend generates tensions and conflicts that go hand in hand with new uncertainties for business actors. The latter find CSR to be a promising strategic response. CSR not only enables companies to translate socio-political uncertainties into economic risks, but also to address these risks in a way that reinforces the organization’s control over its environment.

A second area of Damien Krichewsky’s research is the growing mobilization of CSR public policies by India’s central State authorities, as part of new governance instruments intended to involve companies in regulatory and social welfare redistributive functions. The empirical analysis focuses on the policy-making processes and features of two major Indian CSR policies: the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business (2011) and the CSR section of the new Companies Act (2013).  Using an analytical framework based on social systems theory, the study examines how the growing mobilization of CSR semantics in India’s political system contributes to restructuring the respective roles of state authorities and business actors with regard to the political regulation of economic activities, in a way that favors an “economization” of politics rather than a “politicization” of business processes.

In a third area of his research, which is currently in preparation, Damien Krichewsky will investigate the evolution of state-business interplays in India’s environmental governance. This project is more specifically interested in the re-scaling dynamics of environmental governance, which cover both the shifting from national “command & control” regulatory arrangements to supra- and sub-national governance settings, and the growing involvement of non-state (including business) actors in the design and implementation of environmental governance.

Damien Krichewsky is also an associate member of the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (MAE-CNRS, New Delhi) and of the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (SciencesPo-CNRS, Paris). While conducting research, he has also taught at the l’ESCP-Europe, in the SciencesPo Master's of Public Affairs program, at the Université Paris-Est Créteil, and the University of Bonn.


Key words


Corporate Social Responsibility
State-business relationships
Social movements
Environmental governance




Krichewsky D., Arora B. (forthcoming), The Political Economy of Business Responsibility in India, London: Elsevier.


Articles published in peer-reviewed journals

Krichewsky D. 2011, “Crise et modalités d’élaboration d’un compromis social dans le nouveau capitalisme indien,” Revue de la Régulation 9 [online].


Krichewsky D. 2011, “Henry Mintzberg et la crise : l’entreprise oubliée,” Pratiques de Formation – Analyses 60-61, 143-152.


Krichewsky D. 2011, “Former les dirigeants aux facteurs humains dans les organisations : enjeux et perspectives,” Pratiques de Formation – Analyses 60-61, 121-131.


Krichewsky D. 2009, “Supercapitalism and the Indian Corporate Economy,” Indian Journal of Human Development 2(2), 483-490.


Krichewsky, D. 2009, “Le capitalisme indien à la recherche d’un nouveau compromis social,” La Vie des Idées [online].


Book chapters

Krichewsky D., Leménager T. 2015 “L’efficacité d’une Ligne de Crédit Environnemental en Egypte : synergies entre incitation marchande et régulation contraignante” in : L. Mermet, T. Leménager (eds), Développement et biodiversité : comment négocier le tournant environnemental ? Paris: Editions de l’Agence Française de Développement, ‘Recherches’ series, No. 4, 161-181.


Krichewsky D. 2013, “Pays émergents” in: N. Postel, R. Sobel (eds), Dictionnaire critique de la RSE, Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.


Krichewsky D. 2010, “La RSE en Inde” in: F. Landy (ed), Dictionnaire de l’Inde contemporaine, Paris: Armand Colin.


Other peer-reviewed publications

Krichewsky D., Leménager T. (forthcoming) Le développement d’une finance ‘verte’ par l’aide environnementale : contributions et limites des lignes de crédit environnemental, Etudes de l’AFD – Agence Française de Développement.


Krichewsky D. 2013, “The Socially Responsible Company as a Strategic Second-Order Observer,” MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/10.


Krichewsky D. 2009, “Negotiating the Terms of a New Social Contract – Private Companies, Civil Society and the State in India,” CSH Occasional Paper 24.


Krichewsky D. 2009, “La régulation sociale et environnementale des entreprises en Inde,” Etude du CERI 155.


Other publications

Krichewsky D. 2015, Book Review: Abend M. 2014, The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics, Princeton: Princeton University Press,” Economic Sociology European Newsletter 17(1), 54-55.


Krichewsky D. 2014, “Book Review: Sundar P. 2013, Business & Community: The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility in India, New-Delhi: Sage Publications,” Samaj [online].


Krichewsky D., “Etat et entreprises : qui crée du bien public ? Les limites de la ‘responsabilité sociale’ des firmes,”Le Monde (Economie), 03/12/2012.


Krichewsky D. 2011, “La RSE en Inde: actualité et perspectives” Accomex 99. Also published in Problèmes économiques 3 033, La Documentation Française, 2012.


International conference presentations


“Green Finance as a Tool for Environmental Aid: The Case of an Environmental Credit Line in Egypt,” presentation at the 6th 'Congrès des Associations Francophones de Science Politique,' Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, February 2015.


“Post-Philanthropy and CSR in India: A Multi-Scalar Analysis,” presentation at the 6th international conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, September 2014.


“La responsabilité sociale d’entreprise: une observation de second-ordre,” presentation at the 8th ‘Congrès du RIODD,’ entitled Quelle articulation des problématiques sociales et environnementales au sein des organisations ?, Université Lille 1, Lille, June 2013.


“CSR as Meta-Embeddedness: A Polanyian Perspective,” presentation at the 24th annual SASE meeting, entitled Global Shifts: Implications for Business, Government and Labor, MIT, Boston, June 2012.


“CSR as an Anticipative Management Tool for Mitigating Social Protest: The Case of Euro Cement in India,” presentation at the 10th annual conference of the EABIS-INSEAD, entitled A New Era of Development: The Changing Role & Responsibilities of Business in Developing Countries, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, October 2011.


“Enjeux et limites de la RSE dans l’élaboration d’un compromis social autour du nouveau capitalisme indien : le cas du secteur du ciment,” presentation at the 4th annual RIODD conference, entitled La Responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises (RSE): une nouvelle régulation du capitalisme ?, Université Lille 1, Lille, June 2009.


Last update: 18 December 2015


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