CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Frédéric Landy

Frédéric Landy

Field(s): Geography
Institutional affiliation(s): Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
Since October 2016: On assignment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Director of the French Institute of Pondicherry, India.

Professional contact information





Director of the French Institute of Pondicherry (UMIFRE 21, MAE-CNRS)

UMR 7218 LAVUE, ‘Mosaïques’ team, Geography department, Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre.

Associate Member of the CEIAS (UMR 8564 CNRS-EHESS)

Agrégé in Geography, honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France, alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm)


Presentation and research areas


He has studied peasants’ logics and rationality while comparing two rural systems—one irrigated, the other dry—in South Karnataka. He has also worked on migration and retention of the rural population, and then later on the Indian “diaspora” abroad (case study of South Africa). Studying the spatial impacts of agricultural policies, he focused on the case of chemical fertilizers, then on the food policy according to which the Government buys grains in order to bolster producer prices and redistributes them to deficit households and regions at a subsidized price (PDS). The perception of the national territory is considered through this productivist-cum-social policy, as well as the play between the Center and the States. He still works on the interrelationships between the State and citizens (decentralization and participation). In rural areas, he is interested in forest and irrigation management, mostly in India but with some insights on Africa and Asia. In urban areas, he worked on the project “Urban Actors, Policies and Governance” (CEIAS-CSH), addressing the management of the Public Distribution System in Hyderabad and Mumbai. He was later a member of the SETUP project (Social Exclusion, Territories and Urban Policies in India and Brazil) (CEIAS-CSH) funded by the ANR, comparing Indian slums and Brazilian favelas. He has coordinated the UNPEC project (Urban National Parks in Emerging Countries and Cities—Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town) (ANR 2012-16). In this context, he was more specifically conducting research on the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai, torn between conservation and urban interests, which he compares with the Nairobi National Park (Kenya), mostly through the lens of indigeneity. In the ANR program entitled “Whose landscape in Asia?” (AQAPA, 2014-17), he is extending this analysis of indigeneity ("eco-ethnicity") in Uttarakhand by working on the heritageization of the agrarian landscape.


Research teams


French Institute of Pondicherry (UMIFRE 21, MAE-CNRS)

UMR 7218 LAVUE, ‘Mosaïques’ team, Geography department, Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre

CEIAS, member of the research group “Du village aux nouvelles ruralités”


Fieldwork areas


India (Mumbai, Uttarakhand, Karnataka…)

Other countries (Nairobi…)




In general human geography, all levels from 1st-year Bachelor’s to Master’s, including agrégation courses

Teaching pertaining to India: 6 sessions in 3rd-year Bachelor’s-level Geography (“Pays émergents”)

Former head of the Master’s program entitled “Nouvelles ruralités, agriculture et développement local” (NOURAD)


Selected bibliography


A. Books (sole author)

2007 |L’Inde, ou le grand écart, La Documentation photographique n°8060, La Documentation Française, 65 p.

2006 | Un milliard à nourrir. Grain, territoire et politiques en Inde, Belin, coll.Mappemonde, 2006, 270 p. [English translation: Feeding India. The spatial parameters of food grain policy, Manohar-CSH, New Delhi, 2009, 310 p.]

2002 | L'Union Indienne, Nantes, Editions du Temps, 287 p.

1494 |Paysans de l'Inde du Sud. Le choix et la contrainte, Karthala-Institut Français de Pondichéry, 491 p.


B. Books (co-author)

2015 | (with A. Varrel) L’Inde, collection U, Armand Colin 288p.

2002 | (with B. Dorin) Agriculture et alimentation de l'Inde. Les vertes années (1947-2001), Paris, INRA Editions, 248 p. [English translation: Food and agriculture in India. From Independence to globalization, Manohar-CSH-Quae, New Delhi, 2009, 280 p.]


C. Editorship of collaborative volumes and journal issues (since 2010)

2014 | (with S. Moreau), n° « Le droit au village/The right to the village », Justice spatiale/Spatial Justice, 7, online (www.jssj.org).

2013 | (with M.C. Saglio-Yatzimirsky) Megacity slums.Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India, Imperial College Press, 464 p.

2010 |Dictionnaire de l’Inde contemporaine, Armand Colin, 2010, 566 p.

2010 | (with B. Bret, P. Gervais-Lambony, C. Hancock), Justice et injustices spatiales, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2010, 315 p.

2010 | (with V. Dupont) Circulation et territoire dans le monde indien contemporain, Purusharta, Ed. de l’EHESS, 2010, 340 p.


D. Articles in peer-reviewed journals (since 2006)

2017 | (with N. Belaidi, K.H. Gaudry Sada) "Les espaces protégés urbains, vecteurs de justice ou d’injustice pour les populations autochtones ? Les cas de Xochimilco et des parcs nationaux de Mumbai et du Cap /Urban Protected Areas: Forces of justice or injustice for Indigenous populations? The cases of Xochimilco and the national parks of Mumbai and Cape Town” », Justice spatiale | spatial justice, n° 11, March 2017, http://www.jssj.org/article/les-espaces-proteges-urbains-vecteurs-de-justice-ou-dinjustice-pour-les-populations-autochtones-les-cas-de-xochimilco-et-des-parcs-nationaux-de-mumbai-et-du-cap/


2015 | « Le grand écart spatial de l’Inde : introduction », EchoGéo [online], 32 | 2015, : http://echogeo.revues.org/14279

2015 | (with S. Moreau) « Introduction », issue « Le droit au village/The right to the village », Justice spatiale/Spatial justice, Dec. 2015, online journal (www.jssj.org)

2014 | « Capital social, gouvernance verticale, corruption et clientélisme : le cas de l’aide alimentaire en Inde urbaine », Revue européenne des sciences sociales, 52, 2, pp. 105-132.

2014 | « ‘Eco-ethnicity’ : Being an indigenous agriculturist in Nairobi and Mumbai national parks », Environmental Development, 10, pp. 68-83.

2013 | (with Thomas François, Donatienne Ruby and Peeyush Sekhsaria)  « Gouvernance verticale et corruption en Inde urbaine : la segmentation spatiale de l’aide alimentaire publique », L'Espace Politique, 21 | 2013-3, http://espacepolitique.revues.org/2812

2013 | « From Trickle Down to Leapfrog. How to Go Beyond the Green Revolution? », Economic and Political Weekly, 24, pp. 42-49.

2013 | (with M.H. Zérah) « Nature and Urban Citizenship redefined: the case of the National Park in Mumbai », Geoforum, 46, pp. 25-33.

2011 | « Représentation du territoire national et circulation des grains : le système de distribution publique indien » Annales de géographie, 677, Jan. 2011, pp. 5-28. [English version: Conception of national territory and grain circulation : The Indian Public Distribution System]

2007 | (with J. Grasset) “Les zones franches de l’Inde, entre ouverture à l’international et spéculation immobilière”, Annales de géographie, 658, Nov. 2007, pp.608-627.

2007 | (with H. Ayeb), « Les associations d’usagers de l’eau en Egypte vues de l’Inde : entre gouvernance, démocratie et accès à l’irrigation », Autrepart, 42, pp.109-126.

2007 | (with P. Gervais-Lambony) « Introduction », issue entitled « On dirait le Sud… », Autrepart, 41, pp.3-14.

2006 | “Les expériences rurales vues de la ville et vice versa », in « L’Inde : décentralisation et gestion participative », Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français, 2, pp. 151-160.


E. Book chapters (since 2008)

2017 | "Urban leopards are good cartographers: Human-non human and spatial conflicts at Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai”, in A. Rademacher, K. Sivaramakrishnan ed.,  Places of nature in ecologies of urbanism, Hong Kong University Press, pp.67-85.

2015 | « Emiettement des exploitations familiales irriguées du sud de l’Inde », in P.M. Bosc et al. (éd.), Diversité des agricultures familiales, Quae, pp.285-300.

2014 | (with E. Bon, M.H. Zerah) « Entre ville et forêt : conflits d’acteurs dans le Parc national Sanjay Gandhi de Mumbai (Bombay, Inde) », in L. Laslaz et al. (ed.), Espaces protégés et territoires. Conflits et  acceptation, Belin, pp.228-247.

2013 | (with N. Bautès), « Local and translocal systems of actors », in MC. Saglio-Yatzimirsky and F. Landy (ed.) Megacity slums.Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India, Imperial College Press, pp.257-306.

2013 | (with MC. Saglio-Yatzimirsky), « Introduction : Social exclusion, space and urban policies in Brazil and India », in MC. Saglio-Yatzimirsky and F. Landy (ed.) Megacity slums.Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India, Imperial College Press, pp.1-50.

2011 | « Une majorité délaissée ? La situation ambiguë des campagnes de l’Inde », in M.Guibert, Y. Jean ed., Dynamiques des espaces ruraux dans le monde, Armand Colin, pp.229-248.

2009 | (with G. Kumar) « Vertical governance : Brokerage, patronage and corruption in Indian metropolises », in J.Ruet, S.Tawa Lama-Rewal (ed), Governing India’s metropolises, Routledge, New Delhi,  pp.105-134.

2008 | « Du ‘développement rural’ à la ‘gestion concertée des ressources’ », in V.Geronimi, I.Bellier, J.J. Gabas, M.Vernières, Y.Viltard (ed.), Savoirs et politiques de développement, Karthala-Gemdev, pp.187-208.

2008 | « Nourrir 2,5 milliards de personnes, plus et mieux : les défis de l’Inde et de la Chine », in J.P. Charvet (ed.), Nourrir les hommes, CNED-SEDES, pp.184-224.



Last update: 11 October 2017


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