Cycle - Mobilités sud-asiatiques [2014-2018] |

	Thinking through the household. Relatedness, temporalities and migrations between Bangladesh and Portugal

Thinking through the household. Relatedness, temporalities and migrations between Bangladesh and Portugal

Jose Mapril

21 novembre 2019 | 13h - 15h

Salle AS1_23 (1er sous-sol), 54 Bd Raspail 75006 Paris


Conférence organisée par la revue SAMAJ, en association avec l’atelier thématique du CEIAS Mobilité sud-asiatiques.


The main objective of this presentation is to highlight the way extended families, as moral persons, are transnationalized. Furthermore, it will reveal how time, namely one's position in the life course and in the cycle of the domestic unit, create tensions and ambiguities in these transnational households.

This argument is based on a long- term ethnography of Bangladeshi extended families living between Portugal and Bangladesh. In the past 20 years, Bangladeshis in Portugal have reunited their families, invested in businesses and in their children's education, while maintaining a close relation with their non-migrant relativesin

Bangladesh, through economic and social remittances, rituals, the circulation of food, among other examples (tangible and intangible goods circulate in both ways, though). These forms of intergenerational participation and relatedness take place mainly at  the level of the household and within extended families, and they reveal how the house, as a moral category and person, is transnationalized. Simultaneously, though, a longitudinal ethnographic exercise, reveals how the  position in the life course and in cycle of the domestic unit create tensions, ambiguities and uncertainties in these forms of translocal participation.


Discussion par Christine Moliner (anthropologue, CEIAS)




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