Cycle - Cultures vernaculaires et nouvelles élites musulmanes dans l’Asie du Sud coloniale et postcoloniale [2014-2018] |

	Language, Culture and Identity Among Internally Displaced Tribals In Nandurbar (Maharashtra): a Sociolinguistic Perspective

Language, Culture and Identity Among Internally Displaced Tribals In Nandurbar (Maharashtra): a Sociolinguistic Perspective

Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi, Department of Linguistics Deccan College (Deemed University), Pune

26 mai 2015 | 18h - 19h

The present study highlights the sociolinguistic and socio-cultural dimensions of displacement and resettlement with a special focus on the Bhil and Pawra tribes affected by the construction of dams across the Narmada river. The tribals belonging to the Bhil and Pawra ethnic groups have been displaced from the mountain villages surrounding the Narmada backwaters to the plain region in Taloda taluka of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. The early migrants in the rehabilitated villages have received compensation in terms of both money and agricultural land. The present study examines the sociolinguistic consequences of the migration in terms of retention of /change in patterns of language use and socio-cultural practices.


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

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