array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "toto" [1]=> string(4) "titi"} A Decade of History

Études gujarati et sindhi : sociétés, langues et cultures |

A Decade of History

The Gujarati and Sindhi Studies: Societies, Languages and Cultures research group has grown out of a work group with the same title, formed in October 2004 as a continuation of the research and teaching of Françoise Mallison, who had been Director of Studies at the EPHE (Historical and Philological Sciences section) up until that point. The aim was to keep Gujarati studies alive in France. Shortly after its creation, the workshop was affiliated with the EFEO, under the direction of Pierre Lachaier (faculty member at the EFEO), who coordinated workshop activities, with the advice and collaboration of Françoise Mallison and Nalini Balbir (Indology Professor at Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle and Director of Studies at the EPHE, Historical and Philological Sciences section), as well as of Michel Boivin (Research Fellow at the CNRS) and Akil Amiraly (Management Research Center, École Polytechnique-CNRS).

The workshop maintains active relationships with other academic groups, whose work or research themes are closely related, Gujarati and Sindhi Studies now has over one hundred members, including academics, students and unaffiliated participants. It has kept monthly meetings, during which one of the members or an invited guest gives a talk on a theme related to Gujarat and Sindh, or to the Gujarati and Sindhi diasporas. Other members have presented book reviews or briefly commented upon new publications that could potentially be of interest to participants.

Some of the success of Gujarati and Sindhi Studies is due to the participation of its Gujurati-born members, most of whom have immigrated to France, but were originally members of the Bohra, Ismailist Khoja and Twelver Khoja communities living on the francophone islands of the Indian Ocean, primarily Madagascar and Réunion.

In 2013, while Gujarati and Sindhi Studies was thinking about creating a common collection to gather together the various documentary resources assembled over the years by its members, the Ahmedabad Alliance Française, which had become the depository not only of the masses of data produced on the old quarter of Ahmedabad from 1998 to 2005 by a team of Franco-Indian architects, but also of a copy of the archives of the French Consulate in Surat, offered to participate in this collection of documents, and to begin welcoming scholars and students.

In 2014, unable to continue at the EFEO, the Gujarati and Sindhi Studies work group was transferred to the CEIAS, as a workshop bearing the same name, and under the direction of M. Boivin and P. Lachaier. At that time, the CEIAS also signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the Ahmedabad Alliance Française, and the architect Alain Borie—who was formerly a faculty member at the ENSA Paris-Malaquais, and had worked with a group of students in Ahmedabad in 2006—joined the organizing team.

See the summary of meetings held from 2004 to 2014.

A. Amiraly :

N. Balbir :

A. Borie :

M. Boivin :

P. Lachaier :

F. Mallison :


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

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