CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Raphaël Voix

Raphaël Voix

Research Fellow
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)

Professional contact information
54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris - Office 712
33 (0)1 49 54 83 88



Raphaël VOIX is an anthropologist, holder of a PhD from the Université Paris-X-Nanterre (2010) and a Bengali diploma from the INALCO (DULCO—Diplôme universitaire de langues et civilisations orientales: University Diploma in Eastern Languages and Civilizations). He has been a CNRS research fellow (section 38) since 2013 and teaches at the EHESS. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the journal SAMAJ and of the Modern Yoga Research group.

His work is focused on the study of the social dimensions of Hindu asceticism, on the basis of ethnographic surveys conducted in West Bengal. He is particularly interested in the utopian dimension of the sectarian phenomenon: the fact that the sect can be a space of expression—enunciated or practiced—of radical social alternatives. This work was at first, as part of his PhD research, centered on a specific group, famous for its politico-religious militancy and the violence some of its members have been accused of. Inquiries were then extended to other movements with nationalist or millenarian tendencies. In each case, close attention has been paid to the ideological constructions of these groups, as well as to the legal framework and economic and political contexts that encompass them. Since 2015, he has begun a research project on wayside shrines. These various focal points generally connect with the research teams he is involved in.



India (West Bengal)

Since 2015 | Hagiographies and cult of Saint Lokenath Brahmachari 

Since 2013 | Utopia and millenarianism in Santan Dal 

2007-2012 | Hindu and Bengali militancy in Bharat Sevashram Sangha

2002-2010 | Asceticism and violence in the Ananda Margasect

2000- 2002 | Individual destinies and communitarian identities among Baul yogi singers


Research groups and affiliations


beginning March 2018 | Member of the ANR I-Share Interactions religieuses en Asie du Sud

2014-2018 | Coordinator with Caterina Guenzi and Laurent Pordié of the research group entitled Ideologies and Practices of “Well-being”: Body, Locality and Community

2013-2015 | Member of the Emergence(s) (City of Paris) Project entitled Emotions and Political Mobilizations in the Indian Subcontinent

2010-2013 | Member of the team on Territoires du religieux en Asie du Sud: échelles, circulation, réseaux

2009-2012 | Member of the ANR project entitled Just-India- Justice and Governance in India and South Asia

2004-2007 | Member of the Atip early-career researchers program entitled Enracinement d’un mouvement politique radical

Member of Modern Yoga Research   


Publications (selection)


2016 | Berti Daniela, Tarabout Gilles & Voix Raphaël (ed.), Filing Religion. State, Hinduism and Courts of Law, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 149-196.

Articles or book chapters

2018 | Voix Raphaël, “Hope and Nostalgia in Bengal. The Longing for Netaji in a Contemporary Millennial Movement,” in Amélie Blom and Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, eds. Emotions, Mobilisations, and South Asian Politics, London: Routledge.

2016 | Voix Raphaël, “Introduction,” in Berti Daniela, Tarabout Gilles & Voix Raphaël (ed.), 2016, Filing Religion. State, Hinduism and Courts of Law,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. XV-XLVL (with Daniela Berti and Gilles Tarabout).

2016 | Voix Raphaël, “The Legal Making of a Hindu Sect. Understanding the Tandava Case in its Context,” in Berti Daniela, Tarabout Gilles & Voix Raphaël (ed.), 2016, Filing Religion. State, Hinduism and Courts of Law, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 149-196.

2014 | Voix Raphaël, “Learn Nothing, Know it All. Anti-intellectualism and Erudition in Two Contemporary Hindu Sects,” Archives des Sciences Sociales des religions, pp. 61-78. (with Pascale Lépinasse)

2011 | Voix Raphaël, “Social Services, Muscular Hinduism and Implicit Militancy in West Bengal. The Case of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha,” in D. Berti, N. Jaoul and P. Kanungo (eds.), Cultural Entrenchment of Hindutva. Local Mediations and Forms of Convergence, Routledge, New-Delhi, pp. 209-238.

2011 | Voix Raphaël, “Une utopie en pays bengali. De l’idéologie sectaire à l’édification d’une ville: principes et description d’Anandanagar, ville modèle d’Ananda Marga,” in C. Clémentin-Ojha (ed.), Idées religieuses, engagement et projets de société en Asie du Sud moderne et contemporaine, EFEO, Paris, pp. 165-188.

2008 | Voix Raphaël, “Denied Violence, Glorified Fighting. Spiritual Practices and Controversy in a Contemporary Indian Religious Group,” Nova Religio. The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 12.1, pp. 3-25

2004 | Voix Raphael, “Implantation d’une confrérie marocaine en France, mécanismes, méthodes et acteurs,” Ateliers d’anthropologie, 28, pp. 221-248


Seminars held at the EHESS


2017-2018 | (codirected with Caterina Guenzi), Indian Spiritual Industries: Genealogies, Stakes, Circulations, EHESS, Paris.

Since 2015 | (codirected with Aminah Mohammad-Arif, Gregoire Schlemmer and Pierre-Yves Trouillet), Religious Phenomena in South Asia: A Comparative Approach, EHESS, Paris.

2014-2015 | (codirected with Caterina Guenzi) Sciences, Spirituality et Esotericism. Anthropological Approaches Using the Example of India, EHESS, Paris.

2012-2014 | (codirected with Caterina Guenzi), Life Ideals in the Hindu World: Body, Habitat, Community, EHESS, Paris.


Last update: 30 October 2018


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

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