CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Blandine Ripert

Blandine Ripert

Research Fellow
Field(s): Geography / Anthropology
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), currently posted in Kathmandu (Nepal), affiliated with the Center for Social Science, New-Delhi.

Professional contact information
190 avenue de France 75013 Paris - Office 645
Tel: 33 (0)1 49 54 83 79
Mobile: +977 98 100 58 316




A CNRS research fellow since 2001, Blandine Ripert is an ethno-geographer and her research is focused on contemporary dynamics in Nepal and India, which she approaches from a spatial, social, cultural, political and religious point of view. In particular, she has taken an interest in the Christianization process of a Buddhist population group in central Nepal (among the Western Tamangs, in the Nuwakot, Dhading and Rasuwa districts), and in the impact of the globalization process on this rural population (PhD in geography obtained in 2000 at the Université Denis Diderot-Paris 7, under the direction of Olivier Dollfus).

She has also worked on questions regarding management and appropriation of natural environments and the transformation of landscapes in Nepal and in the Alps (Parc des Écrins), as well as on the effects of the dissemination of agricultural innovations in a context of agrarian and political transformations in central Nepal, but also on conflicts surrounding appropriation of space (environmental policies in Nepal, and short-term fieldwork in north-eastern India in the vicinity of the Kaziranga National Park).

Her research has also taken an interest in the dissemination and impact of new information and communication technologies in India (fieldwork in Tamil Nadu in the vicinity of Madurai as part of a post-doctoral fellowship in 2001/2002 at the Institut français de Pondichéry, then in Bombay in 2003 with ACI funding). More broadly speaking, Blandine Ripert is interested in localized cultural and religious transformations in a context of globalization, and she approaches these questions by studying acculturation processes.

She is currently interested in how politics are becoming ethnicized in Nepal, as well as in the identitarian assertions of minority groups (janajati) that are now claiming the label of “native.” She will be posted in Kathmandu for two years starting in September 2015. In this new phase of fieldwork, she will be particularly interested in former villagers who have become urbanized, settling either in Kathmandu or in medium-sized cities such as Trishuli or Dhading Besi, in order to better understand how this change in location modifies their practices and representations, especially from religious, identitarian and political perspectives, and how such changes in turn affect—or fail to affect—their home villages. The earthquakes that occurred in April 2015 will no doubt modify her area of study and intervention.

She was co-director of the CEIAS from January 2010 to December 2013, as part of an executive board that also included Loraine Kennedy, Aminah Mohammad-Arif and Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal.


Research teams


2014-2018 | Member of the Religious Plurality and Reflexivity in South Asia team, coordinated by Grégoire Schlemmer (IRD URMIS) and Aminah Mohammad-Arif (CNRS CEIAS)

2010-2013 | Co-coordinator, with Aminah Mohammad-Arif, of the À la frontière, autour et au-delà team

2006-2009 | Co-coordinator, with Jean-Luc Racine and Loraine Kennedy, of the L’expérience indienne des réformes : politiques économiques, transformations sociales et politiques, et dynamiques territoriales team


Other affiliations


Associate member of the Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes, “Milieux, Sociétés et Cultures en Himalaya,” CNRS, Villejuif.

Associate member of the Centre d'Etudes en Sciences Sociales du Religieux, CNRS-EHESS


Participation in or coordination of collective programs


Co-coordinator with Daniela Berti (CNRS CEH), Joëlle Smadja (CNRS CEH) and Raphaël Voix (CNRS CEIAS) of the Judiciariser la nature : Projets de développement, aires protégées et réformes religieuses en Asie du Sud project, 2015-2017.

Participant in the Adaptation aux Risques environnementaux et Injustices Socio-Environnementales en milieu urbain (ARISE-Urb) PEPS, coordinated by Laura Cementeri (CNRS, Marseille), 2013-2014.

Participant in the Projet Brahmapoutre project, funded by the ANR (2006-2010) in collaboration with the Centre Himalaya and the Lacito. Exploratory fieldwork conducted in Assam and in Arunachal Pradesh (2006) with Joëlle Smadja on population mobilities, territorial and social recompositions, appropriations of space and conflicts in customs.

Participant in collective reflection on a spatial approach to globalization (2005-2007), along with Jacques Lévy (EPFL Lausanne), Marc Dumont (Université de Rennes), Patrick Poncet (MapsDesigner/QualCity), Boris Beaude (EPFL Lausanne), etc.

Co-developer and participant in the Urbatique project (2002-2004, ACI funding “Ville et NTIC”) with Jacques Lévy, Boris Beaude and Patrick Poncet. Fieldwork in Bombay and Madurai; collective comparative study in relation to France and Australia.

Participant in the CNRS GDR TIC (Technologie d'Information et de Communication—Information and Communications Technology), 2001-2005.

Participant in the CNRS Facteurs physiques, historiques et culturels dans la formation des territoires et paysages du Népal Occidental program, UPR 299 ‘Centre Himalayen’ (2000-2003). Collaborative fieldwork conducted in western Nepal.

Participant in the CNRS interdisciplinary program entitled Histoire et devenir des paysages en Himalaya, UPR 299 ‘Centre Himalayen’ (1995-2000). Fieldwork, individual and collaborative publications.


Selected teaching activities:


Co-organization of a seminar for the EHESS ‘South and East Asia’ Master’s program, entiteled “Dynamiques spatiales et socioéconomiques en Asie du Sud

“Les espaces de la mondialisation,” IEP (Institut d’études politiques—Institute for the Study of Politics) International Program Lectures, Paris, 2002 - 2006 

“Les enjeux politiques de la géographie,” IEP Lectures, Paris, 2003 - 2005 

“Géographie et économie de l’Inde,” lecture series at the INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales—National Institute of Eastern Languages and Civilizations), 2005

Courses at Université Louis Lumière - Lyon 2 (full time in 1997-98) and Université Paris-Diderot, Paris 7 (half time in 1999-00).


Editorial responsibilities


Member of the science board of the Archives de Sciences Sociales des religions since 2002 

Co-director of the journal EspacesTemps.net (2002-2009)




Most publications are available on the author's Academia.edu page

Co-editorship of books or special issues of journals

Mohammad-Arif Aminah and Ripert Blandine (eds.), 2014, "Ideas of South Asia, Symbolic Representations and Political Uses," South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, No. 10, samaj.revues.org/.

Didelon Clarisse and Ripert Blandine (guest editors), 2010, "Social and spatial dimensions of ICT in India," Netcom, Vol. 23, No. 3-4.

Jacques Lévy, P. Poncet, D. Andrieu, B. Beaude, R. Dagorn, M. Dumont, K. Hurel, B. Ripert, M. Stock, O. Vilaça (eds.), 2008, L'invention du Monde. Une géographie de la mondialisation, Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po, pp. 187-204. Translated into Italian (2010) and English (in press).


Research articles in peer-reviewed journals and contributions to research-based works:

Ripert Blandine, 2014, “From South Asia to Southasianism: A Nepalese Activist’s Perspective,” An interview with Kanak Mani Dixit, South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, No. 10.

Ripert Blandine, 2014, “Improbable Globalization: Individualization and Christianization among the Tamangs of Central Nepal,” in Toffin Gérard and Pfaff-Czamecka Joanna (eds.), Globalization, Belonging and the Politics of the Self in the Himalayas, Delhi, Sage.

Ripert Blandine, 2014, “Redefining Belonging and Bonds to Territory: Multiple Forms of Mobility and Itineraries among the Tamangs of Central Nepal,” in Smadja Joëlle (eds.), Territorial Changes, Territorial Restructurings in the Himalayas, Delhi, Adroit Publishers.

Didelon Clarisse and Ripert Blandine, 2010, “Un modèle indien du développement des TIC ?” in Didelon C., Ripert B. (guest editors), Social and Spatial Dimensions of ICT in India, Netcom journal, Vol. 23, No. 3-4, pp. 181-200.

Ripert Blandine, 2010, “Mondo(i). Le “culture” tra uniformizzazione et frammentazione,” in J. Lévy, P. Poncet, D. Andrieu, B. Beaude, R. Dagorn, M. Dumont, K. Hurel, B. Ripert, M. Stock, O. Vilaça (eds.), Inventare il Mondo, una geografia della mondializzazione, Bruno Mondadori (collane Saggi), pp. 187-204. Translation of the French version.

Ripert Blandine, 2010, “Acculturation,” in Azria Régine, Hervieu-Léger Danièle (eds.), Dictionnaire des Faits religieux, Paris, PUF, Quadrige, pp. 7-12.

Ripert Blandine, 2010, “Internet et les Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de Communication,” in Frédéric Landy (ed.), Dictionnaire de l'Inde Contemporaine, Paris, Armand Colin.

Ripert Blandine, 2009, “Parcelling of Land, Privatisation along with Collective Management of Space and Resources on the Salme Mountainside,” in Joëlle Smadja (ed.), Reading Himalayan Landscapes Over Time. Environmental Perception, Knowledge and Practice in Nepal and Ladakh, ‘Sciences Sociales’ series No. 14, Institut Français de Pondichéry, pp. 467-492.

Ripert Blandine, Sacareau Isabelle, Boisseaux Thierry, Tawa Lama Stéphanie, 2009, “Discourses and Laws: Resource Management and Environmental Policies Since 1950,” in Joëlle Smadja (ed.), Reading Himalayan Landscapes Over Time. Environmental Perception, Knowledge and Practice in Nepal and Ladakh, ‘Sciences Sociales’ series No. 14, Institut Français de Pondichéry, pp. 379-420.

Ripert Blandine, 2008, “Monde(s). Les « cultures », entre uniformisation et fragmentation,” in Jacques Lévy, P. Poncet, D. Andrieu, B. Beaude, R. Dagorn, M. Dumont, K. Hurel, B. Ripert, M. Stock, O. Vilaça (eds.), L'invention du Monde. Une géographie de la mondialisation, Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po, pp. 187-204.

Poncet Patrick, Ripert Blandine, 2007, “Fractured Space: A Geographical Reflection on the Digital Divide,” Geojournal (Canada), pp. 19-29.

Ripert Blandine, 2006, “Une expérience indienne des fractures numériques,” Terminal (Technologie de l’information, culture et société—Information Technology, Culture and Society), L’Harmattan, No. 95-96, pp. 113-127.

Tricoire Emmanuelle, Hamidi Camille, Ripert Blandine and Tank Sébastien, 2006, “L’individu comme ressort théorique dans les sciences sociales : Partager l’individu,” EspacesTemps.net, http://espacestemps.net/document1515.html

Lévy Jacques, Ripert Blandine and Tricoire Emmanuelle, 2004, “Penser aujourd’hui l’individu d’aujourd’hui,” introduction to the dossier entitled “Individu [Individual],” EspacesTemps.net, http://espacestemps.net/document774.html

Ripert Blandine, 2004, “Le « lama pasteurisé », Vers de nouvelles figures d'autorité religieuse chez les Tamang de l'Ouest,” in Bouillier V., Servan-Schreiber (eds.), De l’Arabie à l’Himalaya, Hommages à Marc Gaborieau, 13 p.

Ripert Blandine, 2003, “Morcellement, privatisation mais nouvelle gestion collective de l'espace et des ressources naturelles sur le versant de Salmé,” in Joëlle Smadja (ed.), Histoires et devenirs de paysages en Himalaya. Des exemples au Népal et au Ladakh, Editions du CNRS, pp. 447‑471.

Ripert Blandine, Sacareau Isabelle, Boisseau Thierry, Tawa Lama Stéphanie, 2003, “Des discours et des lois : gestion des ressources et politiques environnementales depuis 1950 au Népal,” in Joëlle Smadja (ed.), Histoires et devenirs de paysages en Himalaya. Des exemples au Népal et au Ladakh, Editions du CNRS, pp. 365-402.

Didelon Clarisse, Morel Jean-Luc, Ripert Blandine, 2003, “Les technologies d'information et de communication dans le monde indien,” L'Information géographique, vol. 67, June 2003, pp. 165-172.

Ripert Blandine, 2001, “Innovations Among the Poor: Conversions to Christianity in Central Nepal,” in Anand Amaladass (ed.), Profiles of Poverty and Networks of Power in India, DACA Publications, Madurai, p. 131-142.

Ripert Blandine, 2000, book review: Small Sacrifices: Religious Change and Cultural Identity among the Ngaju of Indonesia, Anne Schiller, Oxford University Press, 1997, Contemporary Sociology, A Journal of Review, pp. 61-63.

Ripert Blandine, 1997, “Christianisme et pouvoirs locaux dans une vallée tamang du Népal Central,” Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, No. 99, p. 69-86.


Published peer-reviewed conference presentations

Ripert Blandine, 2005, “Les nouvelles pratiques de télécommunication : quelles transformations dans les espaces ruraux et urbains en Inde ?,” Rural Urbain : nouveaux liens, nouvelles frontières, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 387-393.

Ripert Blandine, 2001, “Innovations agricoles et transformations socio‑économiques et religieuses sur un versant himalayen,” Proceedings of the conference entitled Les montagnes tropicales : identités, mutations, développement (Talence, November 1998), DYMSET / CRET, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, ‘Espaces tropicaux’ series, No. 16, p. 451‑461.


Authorship of and contributions to works aimed at publicizing research

Ripert Blandine, Haag Pascale, 2014, Idées reçues sur l'Inde contemporaine, ‘Idées reçues’ series, Cavalier bleu, Paris, 183 p. Updated, expanded and illustrated edition of the 2009 book.

Haag Pascale, Ripert Blandine, 2009 [2006], L'Inde, Cavalier bleu, Paris, 128 p. Second updated edition.

Ripert Blandine, 2011, “Les indiens sont les meilleurs informaticiens du monde ?” in Le Tour du Monde en 100 idées reçues, Paris: Cavalier Bleu, 3 p.

Haag Pascale, Ripert Blandine, 2011, “L’Inde est le pays des Maharajas, des fakirs et des vaches sacrées ?” in Le Tour du Monde en 100 idées reçues, Paris: Cavalier Bleu, 3 p.

Haag Pascale, Ripert Blandine, 2011, “Le Kamasutra est un bréviaire érotique ?” in Le Tour du Monde en 100 idées reçues, Paris, Cavalier Bleu, 3 p.

Articles devoted to dissemination of scientific information published in on-line peer-reviewed and specialized journals

Ripert Blandine, 2015, “Un processus de mondialisation observé à l'échelle locale au Népal Central : Transformations agricoles, économiques, politiques et sociales au bout du monde,” Géoconfluences, http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/

Ripert Blandine, 2006, “Si loin,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 05.04.2006

Fort Monique, Ripert Blandine and Smadja Joëlle, 2005, “Trois parcours avec Olivier Dollfus,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles

Ripert Blandine, 2004, “Photo‑souvenir sur assiette,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 06.09.2004

Ripert Blandine, 2004, “Ritualiser l'éphémère : les cerisiers en fleurs au Japon,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 03.05.2004

Ripert Blandine and Emmanuelle Tricoire, 2004, “Imaginez un monde sans mesure...,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 10.03.2004 

Ripert Blandine, 2004, “Ganesh s'est mis à l'informatique !EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 04.02.2004 

Ripert Blandine, 2003, “Si loin, si proche,” EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 05.10.2003


Published non-peer-reviewed conference presentations

Poncet Patrick, Ripert Blandine, 2003, “Sydney, Mumbai, villes d'Asie ? Les aires culturelles, de la nomenclature au concept,” workshop entitled Villes, mobilités et NTIC, regards croisés en Inde, Chine et Australie, On-line proceedings of the ‘Réseau Asie’ convention.

Ripert Blandine, 2000, “Un processus de conversion et de modernisation : christianisation d'une population bouddhiste au Népal central,” Proceedings of the conference entitled Conversions religieuses, Cahiers du CEIFR, CNRS‑EHESS, No. 2, September, 17 p.



Last update: 29 October, 2015


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