CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Amélie Blom

Amélie Blom

Research Engineer

Professional contact information






Scientific co-director, along with Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, of the research program entitled “EMOPOLIS-Emotions and Political Mobilizations in the Indian Subcontinent” funded by the Paris City Hall program Emergence(s) and hosted by the CEIAS (2012-2016).

Lecturer in Political Science at the Sciences Po. Europe-Asia Campus (Le Havre) and in the sociology of Pakistan at the INALCO.

Consultant, NORIA/Network of Researchers in International Affairs, CERI/Centre de Recherches Internationales (Sciences Po).

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal SAMAJ-South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal.


Research areas


Political system

Social movements and political mobilization (particularly in Punjab)


Political violence and radicalization



Publications (selection)


CV and publications available at: http://sciences-po.academia.edu/AmelieBlom



(under review) | Emotions, Mobilisations, and South Asian Politics, Routledge India (with S. Tawa Lama-Rewal)

2007 | The Enigma of Islamist Violences, New York, London: Columbia University Press, Hurst, 2007 (with L. Bucaille and L. Martinez)

200 | Théorie des Relations Internationales, Paris: Hachette, 2000 (with F. Charillon)


Articles and chapters

2017 (forthcoming) | “Conflicting Emotions: The 2006 Anti-‘Danish Cartoons’ Riot in Lahore (Pakistan),” in G. Dorronsoro and O. Grojean (eds.), Identities and Conflicts in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, Oxford University Press

2017 | “Emotions and the Micro-foundations of Religious Activism: The Bitter-sweet Experiences of Born-again Muslims in Pakistan,” [Special issue on “Feeling communities”], The Indian Economic and Social History Review, vol. 54 (1), January-March 2017, pp. 123-145

2012 | “Réislamisation des jeunes et (a)politisation en Inde et au Pakistan: étude comparée de Bangalore et Lahore,” in A. Mohammad-Arif and C. Jaffrelot (ed.), Politique et religions en Asie du sud. Le sécularisme dans tous ses états?, Paris: EHESS / Purusartha, 2012, pp. 325-362 (with A. Mohammad-Arif)

2011 | “Les ‘martyrs’ jihadistes veulent-ils forcément mourir? Une approche émique des mécanismes de la radicalisation autosacrificielle au Pakistan,” Revue Française de Science Politique, 61 (5), October 2011, pp. 867-891 (translated as: “Do Jihadist ‘Martyrs’ Really Want to Die? An Emic Approach to Self-Sacrificial Radicalization in Pakistan,” Revue française de science politique (English), 2011/5 - Vol. 61, pp. 27-52)

2011 - “Changing Religious Leadership in Contemporary Pakistan: The Case of the Red Mosque,” in M. Bolognani & S. M. Lyon (eds.), Pakistan and its Diaspora. Multidisciplinary Approaches. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 135-168

2008 | “Le Hizb-ul-Mujahidin du Cachemire: Imaginaires miliciens et clientélisme,” in L. Gayer and C. Jaffrelot (eds.), Milices armées d'Asie du Sud. Privatisation de la violence et implication des Etats, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po., 2008, pp. 153-176 (translated in: Armed Militias of South Asia. Fundamentalists, Maoists and Separatists, Hurst, Columbia University Press, 2009)

2008 | “Introduction. The Moral and Affectual Dimension of Collective Action in South Asia” (with N. Jaoul), South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2 | 2008, URL: http://samaj.revues.org/1912

2008 | “The 2006 Anti-‘Danish Cartoons’ Riot in Lahore: Outrage and the Emotional Landscape of Pakistani Politics,” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2 | 2008. URL: http://samaj.revues.org/1652

2007 | “Kashmiri Suicide Bombers: Martyrs of a Lost Cause,” in A. Blom, L. Bucaille & L. Martinez (eds.), The Enigma of Islamist Violences, London: Hurst, 2007, pp. 71-88

2003 | “Farid al-Din Masud Ganj-i-Shakar,” “Ghamidi, Javed Ahmad,” “Ghulam Azam,” “Nusrat, Fateh Ali Khan,” in The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (J. Esposito ed.), New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 82, 93, 95, 237

2002 | “The ‘Multi-Vocal’ State: The Policy of Pakistan on Kashmir,” in C. Jaffrelot (ed.), Pakistan. Nationalism without a Nation?, London: Zed Books, 2002, pp. 283-310

1999 | “Towards Global Belongings? Interpretive Communities, Minorities and Protests Against The Satanic Verses,” in A. Geddes & A. Favell (eds.), The Politics of Belonging, Avebury: Ashgate Publ., 1999, pp. 192-208



Last update: 21 November 2017 (NG)



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