Vie scientifique | Invités du CEIAS



(Professeure invitée de l'EHESS) Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

Novembre 2017

Photo: Bhagya Prakash K.

Cycle de conférences

New Forms of Dalit Cultural Assertion: rejecting buffalo sacrifice in South India

Vendredi 10 novembre, de 15 à 17h (54, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris, salle 737)

Madigas, one of the most discriminated former Untouchable groups in central Karnataka, South India, began to refuse their 'caste duty' of killing a buffalo at the time of a village festival venerating the fearful goddess Maramma. Anthropologists and sociologists have regarded the worship of village goddesses as more inclusive subaltern practice whilst Sanskritised temple rituals have been seen as more hierarchical and elitist. The recent Dalit assertion movement and their interpretation of the Maramma cult reveals the inadequacy of such academic interpretations, as well as the limitations of urban-centered Dalit politics in south India.

Dans le cadre de l'atelier thématique Régionalisme et cosmopolitisme


Gurus and Rural Governance in South India 

Mardi 14 novembre, de 10h à 13h (54, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris, salle 737)

Indian gurus have been the main protagonists promoting modern spirituality in the context of globalising Hinduism. At home, many of them enthusiastically support the divisive 'communal' politics of Hindu nationalism. However, in rural Karnataka, southern India, gurus play a quite different yet significant role in rural development and governance. The paper examines how the rural population entrust authority and power to gurus in order to achieve what are often materialistic developmental goals. Here devotion becomes a way to constitute a localised sovereign that mediates and transcends the state, market, and caste politics. The paper also argues how the idea of renunciation or kin-less-ness has given the guru new legitimacy as an 'incorruptible' leader.

Dans le cadre du séminaire du CEIAS - Actualité de la recherche sur l'Asie du Sud


Cosmopolitan Silk: James Anderson and the Madras sericulture project in the late 18th century

Vendredi 17 novembre, de 15 à 19h (105, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris, salle 2)

James Anderson (1738-1809), a Scottish surgeon, endeavoured to introduce sericulture (the cultivation of mulberry trees and silk worms) in South India for the very first time in the late 18th century. His project was supported by the East India Company in Madras and a network of colonial botanists who exchanged, transferred, and transplanted 'useful' plants and knowledge throughout the ever expanding British Empire. This global movement of plants was an incentive for and one of the major benefits of global exploration, conquest, and colonisation. However, Anderson, a Scot who embodied the spirit of the Scottish Enlightenment, did not quite fit into the profit seeking machinery of the British Empire. From the extensive correspondences that he published, despite the opposition of Sir Joseph Banks (the most powerful and strategic patron of botanical science), we uncover the fissures, internal contradictions, and limitations of the Empire's governance over nature.

Dans le cadre du séminaire Savoirs, institutions, économies : histoires connectées et dynamiques globales


Democracy sans election: the changing nature of rural governance in South India

Lundi 20 novembre, de 11h à 13h (54, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris, salle 751)

The gram panchayat is a much celebrated democratic institution at the local level in India, in which members with different caste and gender backgrounds are elected and become responsible for local self-governance. In rural south India, however, increasing numbers of villages began to opt for not having gram panchayat elections, choosing instead to auction seats, or to allow religious leaders to select the final candidates. This paper analyses the reasons behind the rejection of local elections and demonstrates how rural residents see 'morality' in illegal electoral maneuvers.

Dans le cadre du programme CLAIMS (New) Political Representative Claims: A Global View (France, Germany, Brazil, India, China)


flux rss  Actualités

Écrire dans le monde indo-persan

Vie de l'École -Après un premier workshop en mai 2023 ayant permis aux jeunes chercheurs en études indo-persanes de se rassembler, ce second volet organisé par des doctorants de l'EHESS du Centre d'études sud-asiatiques et himalayennes - Cesah (EHES/CNRS) et du Centre de recherche sur les circul (...)(...)

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Devenir juifs : conversions et assertions identitaires en Inde et au Pakistan

Débat - Mardi 9 mai 2023 - 14:00Présentation« L’an prochain à Jérusalem ! », scande un homme portant une kippa dans une synagogue de Karachi au Pakistan. Ses paroles sont répétées en chœur par les membres de sa communauté, un groupe comptant près de trois cents personnes qui s’autodésignent par (...)(...)

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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France

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75006 Paris, France



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