CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Fabrizio Speziale

Fabrizio Speziale

Institutional affiliation(s): EHESS, Université Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3



Fabrizio Speziale is Professor at the EHESS. After a PhD at the EHESS in 2002, he conducted research and taught in various institutions, including the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, the French Research Institute in Iran, Heidelberg University and Copenhagen University. He held a chair at the CNRS (2010-2015) and was associate professor in Persian Studies at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (2010-17).

His current research focuses on the Persian culture of South Asia and the history of Persian sciences in the Early Modern and Modern periods. He heads up the project entitled “Perso-Indica. Analytical Survey of Persian Works on Indian Learned Traditions.” The goal of Perso-Indica is to constitute an analytical repertory of the Persian sources on Hindu knowledge systems, including the treatises and translations written and carried out between the 13th and 19th centuries. This research program aims to propose a new epistemic vision of the history of intellectual and textual contacts between Muslim culture and non-Muslim learned traditions. Perso-Indica is available as an on-line academic publication (see www.perso-indica.net).



2014 -2018 | Directorship of the ANR-DFG project entitled Perso-Indica”: la persanisation des savoirs indiens (XIIIe-XIXe siècles), Franco-German Social Sciences and Humanities program

Editorial responsibilities


Chief Editor of Perso-Indica. An Analytical Survey of Persian Works on Indian Learned Traditions.

Member of the Purushartha Editorial Board

Member of the Oriens Editorial Board.

Member Journal of South Asian Intellectual History Advisory Board.

Member of the History of Science in South Asia Editorial Board.

Member of the e-Journal of Indian Medicine Advisory Board.

Long-term guest-professorships abroad


2016 | Mellon Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Near Eastern Studies (1 month).

2015 | Visiting Research Fellow, The Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh (2 months).

2014 | Guest Professor, McGill University, Institute of Islamic Studies, Montreal (1 month).

2009 | Visiting fellow, University of Copenhagen, Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies (2 months).

2003 | Research Fellow, The Scaliger Institute, University of Leyden (1 month).

Key words


Persian culture







Asie du Sud et culture persane (XVIe-XXe siècle). Productions savantes, traductions, interactions, EHESS, Paris.

La recherche sur le Moyen Orient et l’Asie du sud au tournant numérique : modèles, défis et ambiguïtés, EHESS, Paris.

Histoire et anthropologie des sociétés musulmanes dans l’Asie du sud contemporaine (SOMA), EHESS, Paris.

Histoire du fait colonial et impérial : enjeux, problématiques, expériences, EHESS, Paris.

Selected bibliography

Books and edited books

Forthcoming in 2018 | Perso-Indica, vol. 1. The Sultanate Period and the Early Mughal Empire (until 1556), Leyden, E. J. Brill, (with Carl W. Ernst).

Forthcoming in 2017 | Culture persane et médecine ayurvédique an Asie du Sud, Leyden, E. J. Brill, .

2012 | Hospitals in Iran and India, 1500-1950s. Leyden - Boston, E. J. Brill - French Research Institute in Iran, 2012.

2011 | La congiunzione dei due oceani (Majma‘ al-baḥrayn) of Muḥammad Dārā Šikōh, Milan, Adelphi, 2011 (with Svevo D’Onofrio).

2010 | Soufisme, religion et médecine en islam indien, (revised edition of PhD thesis), Paris, Editions Karthala, 2010.

2010 | Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods, Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag - French Research Institute in Iran, 2010 (with Denis Hermann).

2009 | Il trattato aureo sulla medicina attribuito a l’imām ‘Alī al-Riḍā, Palerme, Officina di Studi Medievali, 2009 (with Giorgio Giurini).

Articles and book chapters

Forthcoming | « Medical practices in Indo-Persian world », in: Sonja Brentjes, ed., Scientific Practices in Islamicate Societies (8th-19th centuries), London, Routledge.

Forthcoming |« ‘Greek knowledge is not suitable’. Writing a Persian Manual on Ayurveda in 16th Century South Asia», proceedings of the conference Asian and European Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Ruhr University, Bochum, 12/03/2012.

Forthcoming in 2018 | « Persian Medical Literature in South Asia », in : J. R. Perry, ed., Persian Literature from outside Iran: The Indian Subcontinent, volume IX of History of Persian Literature, London-New York, General Editor E. Yarshater, forthcoming in 2018.

Forthcoming in 2018 | « The Mujaddid and the Majdhūb. Shāh ‘Alī Riḍā (d. 1801) and the Different Narratives of the Ni‘matullāhī Renewal », in D. Hermann – M. Terrier, eds., Shi‘i Sufism in Modern Times, London, I. B. Tauris.

2014 | « The Persian translation of the tridoṣa: lexical analogies and conceptual incongruities », Asiatische Studien, 68, 3, 2014, pp. 783-796.

2014 | « A 14th Century Revision of the Avicennian and Ayurvedic Humoral Pathology: The Hybrid Model by Šihāb al-Dīn Nāgawrī », Oriens, 42, 3-4, 2014, pp. 514-532.

2013 | « À propos du renouveau ni‘matullāhī. Le centre de Hyderabad au cours de la première modernité », Studia Iranica, 42, p. 91-118.

2012 | « Hinduism and Islam: Medieval and Premodern Period », Brill’s Encyclopaedia of Hinduism (BEH), vol. IV, Knut A. Jacobsen, ed., Leyden, E. J. Brill, pp. 521-529.

2012 | «Tradition et réforme du dār al-šifā’ au Deccan» in: Hospitals in Iran and India, 1500-1950s, Leyden - Boston, cit., pp. 159-189.

2010 | « Les traités persans sur les sciences indiennes : médecine, zoologie, alchimie » in : Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods, Berlin, cit.,  pp. 403-447, 2010.

2010 | « The Encounter of Medical Traditions in Nūr al-Dīn Šīrāzī’s ‘Ilājāt-i Dārā Šikōhī ». eJournal of Indian Medicine, University of Groningen - Barkhuis, III, 2,  pp. 53-67.

2009 | « Muslim or Greek? Past and Present of Yunani Medicine in the Deccan », in : Rais Akhtar - Nilofar Izhar (éds.), Global Medical Geography. In Honour of Prof. Yola Verhasselt, Jaipur-New Delhi, Rawat Publication, pp. 305-332.

2008 | « Le médecin des rêves. Culte des saints et guérison onirique chez les musulmans du Deccan », in : Inès Zupanov - Caterina Guenzi (éds.)Divins remèdes. Médecine et religion en Asie du sud, collection Purusartha, 27, Editions de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, pp. 163-190.

2007 | « Il simbolismo mistico del volto umano nel trattato (in urdu) Sūrat-i ma‘lūma-yi suwar-i ‘ilm di Karīm Allāh ‘Ashiq », Journal Asiatique, 295/2, pp. 439-59.

2007 | « Istruzioni sullo dhikr nei centri sottili in alcuni trattati in urdu sulla via mistica », Mediaeval Sophia, 1, pp. 137-155.

2006 | « De zeven vrienden. Een Indo-Perzische verhandeling over alchemie », in :Paul Hoftijzer, Kasper van Ommen, Geert Warnar & Jan Just Witkam (ed.) Bronnen van kennis. Wetenschap, kunst en cultuur in de collecties van de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leyden, Primavera Pers, pp. 23-31.

2005 | « Adapting Mystic Identity to Italian Mainstream Islam: The Case of a Muslim Rom Community in Florence », Balkanologie, IX, n. 1-2, December 2005, pp. 195-211.

2004 | « Due codici persiani miniati (Xamsa di Nizami, Yusuf u Zalixa di Jami) della Fondazione Giorgio Cini di Venezia », Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 64, pp. 221-227.



Last update: 26 September, 2017


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