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	The ‘Floodgates of Mass Agitation’:   A History of the ‘Living Biographies’ Controversy (1956)

The ‘Floodgates of Mass Agitation’:   A History of the ‘Living Biographies’ Controversy (1956)

Dr. Devika SETHI

31 mai 2018 | 11h - 13h

Salle 2 , 105 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris


In September 1956, the re-printing in India of a book first published in 1940 in the United States aroused considerable controversy in both India and Pakistan. In addition to riots in many Indian towns, deaths, arrests and demonstrations, there was considerable activity and debate in Indian official circles and political circles, with Prime Minister Nehru at the helm of affairs. An investigation into the circumstances surrounding the publication as well as banning of this long forgotten book has much to tell us about the roots of present-day censorship debates and demands in India. In my talk, I will recover and present the history of this long-forgotten case, and analyze its meaning and impact on contemporary India’s relationship with controversial publications.


Présentation et discussion par Tiziana Leucci (CNRS, CEIAS, Paris) et Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS, THALIM, CEIAS, Paris)


Devika Sethi teaches Modern Indian History at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, India. She was awarded a Ph.D. degree (History) by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU, New Delhi) in 2013 for her thesis titled ‘Proscribing Ideas: Censorship in India, c. 1930-60’. After being awarded a Junior Research Fellowship (2005) she taught undergraduate students in the History Departments at St. Stephen’s College (2009-10), Lady Shri Ram College for Women (2014) and Gargi College (2014-15), all affiliated to Delhi University. During the course of her education she has spent time as an exchange student in Japan (Keio University) and Germany (Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Georg-August University, Göttingen). At present she is writing a book on censorship in twentieth century India, under contract with Cambridge University Press.                       


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