CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Reclaiming political representation - a South Asian perspective

Les ateliers du quinquennal 2019-2023 |

Reclaiming political representation - a South Asian perspective

Reclaiming political representation - a South Asian perspective

Coordinators: Stéphanie Tawa Lama & Virginie Dutoya (CEIAS)

Members: Delphine Thivet (Centre Emile Durkheim), Anne Castaing (CEIAS)





This seminar series stems from the ongoing CLAIMS project, and is coordinated by its “India team”. It focuses on the various forms of political representation that can be observed today in India and South Asia more generally. The colonial encounter between British ideas about group representation and Indian society – characterized by the importance of communities (based on caste, tribe, religion, sect etc.) –generated a series of experiments that have turned the subcontinent into a laboratory for the political representation of social groups: from separate electorates in the 1910s to multi-members constituencies in the 1950s and reserved seats and nominated legislators since that period. The contemporary Indian debate on political representation remains much concerned with the possibilities and limitations of group representation. But beyond such debate, contemporary South Asian studies also testify to the existence of an enlarged conception of political representation since the 1990s, especially among anthropologists. This seminar therefore builds on the heuristic value of an engagement with theoretical debates around the notion of representation to understand contemporary Indian politics and society. It invites us to think about political representation in the plural, and to consider representational practices as they unfold within but also outside of the electoral process, in different stages, different sites, and different modes.


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