CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Loraine Kennedy

Loraine Kennedy

Senior Research Fellow
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)

Professional contact information




Loraine Kennedy’s current research is situated at the crossroads of political economy and political geography. Her work engages with three main research topics:  the social and spatial implications of subnational economic development strategies in India and in international comparison; the actors and processes driving urban transformations using a multiscalar lens; metropolitan governance and local state capacity in India. Research on the latter topic in particular has been carried out in the framework of joint research programs (mainly « chance2sustain »), often involving efforts of international comparison, including but not limited to “emerging” economies.


Key words


Metropolitan governance

Urban development

Sub-national political economy

State-spatial rescaling


CEIAS research groups


2014-2018 | Coordination of the Cities and Regions in a Globalizing World group

2010-2013 | Co-coordinator, with Aurélie Varrel of the group on State Restructuring and Economic Development in India (Politiques socio-économiques et restructurations territoriales)


Recent research and management activities

Political geography and rescaling dynamics

Economic and political restructuring in India. Authored a research monograph: The Politics of Economic Restructuring in India. Economic Governance and State Spatial Rescaling. Routledge, 2014. Coordinator 11-state study of the implementation and political management of India’s SEZ policy (2008-2011, funding Ford Foundation). Co-edited: Power, Policy, and Protest: The Politics of India’s Special Economic Zones. Oxford University Press 2014.

State spatial rescaling strategies in comparative perspective. Organized a series of workshops (Paris May 2012; Leiden Dec. 2012, co-organized w/T.-W. Ngo, IIAS; Paris Oct. 2014). Co-organized a panel: “State-centered regulation of industrial development in India and China”, 24th SASE Conference, MIT, Cambridge, 2012. Guest editor of a special issue:  “State rescaling and subnational policy-making and governance in China and India”, Environment and Planning C – Politics and Space (February 2017).

Urban governance and metropolisation processes

Large-scale economic and infrastructure projects in fast-growing cities of the Global South. Workpackage Leader (PI), FP7 project: ‘Urban Chances, City Growth and the Sustainability Challenge’ (http://chance2sustain.eu), European Commission, 2010-14. Lead author of 4 major reports; Guest Editor special issue: “Megaprojects, Settlement Dynamics and the Sustainability Challenge in Metropolitan Cities”,Habitat International (January 2015).

Urban governance in India. City coordinator of a project funded under ACI CNRS-French Ministry of Higher Education: “Actors, Policies and Urban Governance in India’s Metropolitan Cities”. Author and co-author of 3 chapters in edited volume Governing India’s metropolises. Routledge 2009. Co-edited two special issues: “Gouvernance, nouvelles spatialités et enjeux sociaux dans les métropoles indiennes”, Métropoles (Sept 2011); “Greenfield Development as Tabula Rasa - Rescaling, Speculation and Governance on India’s Urban Frontier”, Economic and Political Weekly (April 2016).

City-centric growth strategies and metropolitan governance in India and in comparative perspective. Organized 2 workshops in Paris: “Urban dynamics, economic strategies and governance in contemporary India and China”, EHESS, March 2015; “Decoding the urban - engaging with current debates on urban processes in India and China”, EHESS, May 2016. Member of the International Metropolitan Research Consortium, 2012-present. Special issue and edited book manuscript in preparation.


Teaching and PhD Supervision


Masters seminar |  ‘L'Inde au sein d'une Asie « émergente » : population, société et économie’ with Christophe Z. Guilmoto, EHESS.

Graduate course | ‘Political Economy of Contemporary India’, 24h/year, Paris School of International Affairs, SciencesPo Paris.

Graduate course | ‘Asian cities in a global world’, Master Stratégies et Gouvernances Métropolitaines, IEP Bordeaux.

PhD supervision | 7 current, 2 completed. Director:  Bérénice Bon (completed), Arthur Cessou. Co-director:  Floriane Zaslasky, Nithya Joseph, José Egas (all at EHESS, Paris); Iva Čápová (ENS, Paris); Emilie Ponceaud (Univ. Bordeaux); Champaka Rajagopal (Univ. Amsterdam); Divya Leducq (Univ. Lille, completed).


Research-related administrative responsibilities


Jan. 2015-present | Member of the national steering committee for research on urban studies (Prospective nationale de recherche urbaine - CNRS).

2012-2016 | Member of the CNRS National Committee (commission 39)

2010-2013 | Co-director of the CEIAS, as part of a directorial board

2007-2009 | Head of the department on “economic reforms and sustainable development” at the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities in New Delhi, on assignment with the MAEE (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes—French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs).


Editorial activities


Member of the Editorial Board of the online peer-reviewed journal SAMAJ (South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal) and the Journal of Urban Affairs, (Urban Affairs Association).

Refereeing for various academic journals including Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Annales de Géographie, Cities (Elsevier), Contemporary South Asia, Geoforum, Land Use Policy, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Regional Studies, Revue de la Régulation, Revue Tiers Monde, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Urban Studies, World Development.

Review of book manuscripts:  Cambridge University Press


Recent Publications (2007-2019)

Books and special issues

(forthcoming 2020) | Volume collectif coordonné avec A. Sood: Greenfield Urban Development in India. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.

2017 | Guest editor, special issue: “State Rescaling and Subnational Policy-making and Governance in China and India”, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35(1): 6-129.

2016 | Guest editor with A. Sood, special issue: “Greenfield Development as Tabula Rasa. Rescaling, Speculation and Governance on India’s Urban Frontier”, Economic and Political Weekly (Review of Urbain Affairs), 51(17): 41-109.

2015 | Guest editor, special issue: Megaprojects, Settlement Dynamics and the Sustainability Challenge in Metropolitan Cities, Habitat international, Elsevier, 45(3):163-230.

2014 | The Politics of Economic Restructuring in India. Economic Governance and State Spatial Rescaling. New York and London: Routledge.

2014 | Volume co-edited with R. Jenkins, P. Mukhopadhyay: Power, Policy, and Protest: The Politics of India’s Special Economic Zones, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

2011 | Guest editor with M.-H. Zérah, special issue: “Gouvernance, nouvelles spatialités et enjeux sociaux dans les métropoles indiennes”, Métropoles [Online], 9 | 2011. URL : http://metropoles.revues.org/4420

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

2019 | "The politics of land acquisition in Haryana. Managing dominant caste interests in the name of development", special issue 'The Politics of Caste in India's New Land Wars'. Journal of Contemporary Asia, https://doi.org/10.1080/00472336.2019.1651885

2019 | "Nouvelles spatialités étatiques et économiques dans l'Inde fédérale". Herodote, 173, 155-171. https://www.cairn-int.info/article-E_HER_173_0155--new-economic-and-state-spaces-in.htm

2019 | "Outsourced Urban Governance as a State Rescaling Strategy in Hyderabad, India". Cities, (with A. Sood), 85, 130-139, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2018.09.001.

2018 | "The role of governance networks in building metropolitan scale". Territory, Politics, Governance, (co-écrit avec J. Nelles et J. S. Gross), 6(2), 159-181.

2017 | State restructuring and emerging patterns of subnational policy-making and governance in China and India (introduction to the special issue), Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35(1): 6-24.

2016 | Greenfield Development as Tabula Rasa. Rescaling, Speculation and Governance on India’s Urban Frontier (introduction to the special issue, co-authored with A. Sood), Economic and Political Weekly (Review of Urban Affairs), 51(17): 41-49.

2015 | Réétalonnage de l’État et changement d’échelle des espaces urbains en Inde. Urbanités, Mondes indiens. Published online on 18 June 2015. URL : http://www.revue-urbanites.fr/chroniques-reetalonnage-de-letat-et-changement-dechelle-des-espaces-urbains-en-inde/

2015 |  Stratégies spatiales de l’État en Inde. Le réétalonnage de l’État au travers de la politique des zones franches, EchoGéo [Online], 32 | 2015, URL : http://echogeo.revues.org/14257

2015 | The politics and changing paradigm of megaproject development in metropolitan cities (introduction to the special issue), Habitat International, 45(3):163–168.

2014 | L’État et le développement industriel en Inde : de la petite industrie aux zones économiques spéciales. Critique Internationaleno. 63 April-June, pp. 77-93.

2013 | Comparing State-level policy responses to economic reforms in India. A subnational political economy perspective. Revue de la Régulation [Online], 13 | 1st semestre / Spring 2013, online since 24 June 2013, (with K. Robin, D. Zamuner). URL: http://regulation.revues.org/10247

2011 | Introduction of the special issue entitled “Gouvernance, nouvelles spatialités et enjeux sociaux dans les métropoles indiennes,” Métropoles [Online], 9 | 2011, (with M.-H. Zérah). URL: http://metropoles.revues.org/4421

2011 | Villes indiennes sous tutelle ? Une réflexion sur les échelles de gouvernance à partir des cas de Mumbai et Hyderabad, Métropoles [Online], 9 | 2011, (with M.-H. Zérah). URL: http://metropoles.revues.org/4433

2010 | Dynamique économique et recompositions territoriales, une industrie traditionnelle locale de l’Inde du sud face à la mondialisation. Annales de Géographie, 119 (nos. 671-672) 2010, (with X. Amelot), pp. 137-155.

2008 | The Shift to City-Centric Growth Strategies: Perspectives from Hyderabad and Mumbai, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Article, 43(39), 2008, (with M.-H. Zérah), pp. 110-117.

 2007 | Regional Industrial Policies Driving Peri-urban Dynamics in Hyderabad, India. Cities, Elsevier Publications, 24 (2), pp. 95-109.

2007 | Shaping Economic Space in Chennai and Hyderabad. The Assertion of State-Level Policies in the Post-Reform Era. Purusartha, Éditions EHESS, Paris, pp. 315-351.

Book Chapters

(forthcoming 2020) | "Actors and shifting scales of urban governance in India". In A. Sorensen & D. Labbé (eds) International Handbook of Megacities and Megacity Regions, Edward Elgar Pub.

(forthcoming 2019) | La mort de l’urbain et le règne de la (grande) ville ?, In F. Adisson, S. Barles, N. Blanc, O. Coutard, L. Frouillou, F. Rassat (dir), L’ouvrage collectif de la Prospective National de la Recherche Urbaine, Chapitre 2A, (co-rédacteurs : Brieuc Bisson, Eric Charmes, Gilles Pinson et Josselin Tallec), (accepté, à paraître).

(forthcoming 2019) | "La production urbaine et ses dispositifs socio-techniques". In F. Adisson, S. Barles, N. Blanc, O. Coutard, L. Frouillou, F. Rassat (dir), L’ouvrage collectif de la Prospective National de la Recherche Urbaine, Chapitre 3B, (co-authors : Flavie Ferchaud, Sylvy Jaglin, Jérémy Robert).

(forthcoming 2019)  | "Multi-scalar dynamics driving India’s urban megaprojects. Speculative urbanisation and the IT Corridor in Chennai. In H. B. Shin & D.-W. Gimm (eds.), The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia: Globalization and Urban Transformation. Routledge, London, chapitre 5.

2019 | "Le fédéralisme indien : un système en renégociation constante". In Jaffrelot, Ch. (dir), L'Inde contemporaine, de 1990 à nos jours, Fayard/Pluriel (poche), Paris, (réédition et actualisation de l’édition 2014), pp. 33-60.

2018 | "Contrasting the Spatial and Political Dimensions of Rescaling in Metropolitan Delhi". In J. S. Gross, E. Gualini, & L. Ye (eds.), Constructing Metropolitan Space: Actors, Policies and Processes of Rescaling in World Metropolises. Routledge, London, (avec B. Bon), pp. 65-87.

2014 | Le fédéralisme indien : un système centralisé en voie de rééquilibrage. In Jaffrelot, Ch. L'Inde contemporaine, de 1990 à nos jours, Paris, Fayard, ‘Pluriel’ series, pp. 29-52.

2014 | Introduction. SEZ Politics: Issues, Contexts and Findings. In Jenkins, R., Kennedy, L., Mukhopadhyay, P. (eds.) The Politics of Special Economic Zones in India, New Delhi, Oxford University Press (with R. Jenkins and P. Mukhopadhyay), pp. 1-38.

2014 | Haryana. Beyond the Rural-Urban divide. In Jenkins, R., Kennedy, L., Mukhopadhyay, P. (eds.) The Politics of Special Economic Zones in India, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, pp. 170-202.

2014 | Les grands projets dans la stratégie de ville compétitive en Inde. La mobilisation des informations et des savoirs dans la production des espaces urbains. In A. Le Blanc et al. (eds.), Métropoles en débat: (dé)constructions de la ville compétitive, Paris, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, (with B. Bon and A. Varrel), pp. 171-188.

2013 | L’émergence en Inde : le rôle décisif des économies politiques infranationales. In Piveteau A., Rougier E. and Nicet-Chenaf D. (eds.) Emergences capitalistes aux Suds. Paris: Karthala, 241-267.

2009 | “Large-Scale Economic and Infrastructure Projects in India’s Metropolitan Cities. New Policies and Practices among Competing Subnational States.” In J. Rosemann, L. Qu, D. Sepúlveda (eds.) The New Urban Question. Urbanism beyond Neo-Liberalism. International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) and Papiroz Publishing House, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, pp. 243-55.

2009 | New patterns of participation shaping urban governance. In J. Ruet, S. Tawa Lama-Rewal (eds.), The Changing Governance of Indian Metropolises in the 2000s: A Comparative, Sector-Based Study. Routledge, New Delhi, pp. 55-80.

2009 | Assessing Urban Governance Through the Prism of Healthcare Services in Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. In J. Ruet, S. Tawa Lama-Rewal (eds.), The Changing Governance of Indian Metropolises in the 2000s: A Comparative, Sector-Based Study. Routledge, New Delhi, (with R. Duggal, S. Tawa Lama-Rewal), pp. 161-82.

2009 | A Comparative Overview of Urban Governance in Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai. In J. Ruet, S. Tawa Lama-Rewal (eds.), The Changing Governance of Indian Metropolises in the 2000s: A Comparative, Sector-Based Study. Routledge, New Delhi, (with A. Ghosh, J. Ruet, S. Tawa Lama-Rewal, M.-H. Zérah), pp. 24-54.

2008 | New Forms of Governance in Hyderabad: How Urban Reforms are Redefining Actors in the City. In Baud, I., de Wit, J. (eds.) New Forms of Urban Governance in India. Shifts, Models, Networks and Contestations. Sage, New Delhi, pp. 253-287.

2007 | Régimes territoriaux et développement économique – une introduction de la première partie. In X. Itçaina, J. Palard, S. Ségas (dir), Régimes territoriaux et développement économique. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Collection ‘Espace et Territoire’, pp. 27-30.

2007 | Una industria tradicional en contacto con redes de producción mundializadas. Flexibilidad y fragmentación en las aglomeraciones de empresas del sector del cuero en el sur de la India. In Estrada Iguiniz, M., Labazée P. (coords.) Globalización y localidad : espacios, acotres, movilidades e identidades. CIESAS-IRD, México,D.F., pp 143-167.



Last update: 6 September, 2023 (FC)


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