CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Ines G. Županov

Ines G. Županov

CEIAS Co-Director
Senior Research Fellow
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)

Professional contact information
54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris - Office 707
33 (0)1 49 54 83 87




Ines G. Županov completed her PhD in History at the University of California at Berkeley. Currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris and co-director of the Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud, she has also taught early modern history at the University of California at Berkeley, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She is the author of Disputed Mission: Jesuit Experiments and Brahmanical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century India (Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999) and Missionary Tropics: The Catholic Frontier in India (16th-17th centuries) (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005). She co-edited with C. Guenzi Divins remèdes: Médecine et religion en Asie du Sud, Purusartha Series No. 27, EHESS, Paris, 2008. She contributed to the volume co-edited with S. Greenblatt, et al., Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto (Cambridge CUP, 2009). She also co-edited with Ch. de Castelnau, A. Maldavsky and M.L. Copete, Circulation des savoirs et missions d’évangélisation (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (Madrid: Casa de Velásquez/EHESS, 2011). Cultural Dialogue in South Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Images and Community (16th-19th centuries), co-edited with C. Lefèvre, JESHO 55.2-3 (Leiden June 2012), and more recently she co-edited with M. Fourcade L’Inde des Lumières: Discours, histoire, savoirs (XVIe-XIXe s.), Purusartha Series No. 31 (Paris: Editions EHESS, 2013). Her articles in English, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Croatian are published in edited books and journals (Annales, Representations, Etnosistemi, Studies in History, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Archives de sciences sociales des religions, Journal of Early Modern History, Revista de Cultura, Itinerario,Medieval History Journal, etc.)




  2014-2018 | CEIAS Co-director


Research Groups


2014-2018 | Coordinator with Corinne Lefèvre of the research group Histories of the Self, Histories of Others: Questions of Translation and Historiography

2010-2013 | Coordinator with Corinne Lefèvre of the team Cultures et constructions historiques dans l’Asie du Sud de la première modernité

2006-2009 | Coordinator with Caterina Guenzi of the team Guérison, remèdes et pratiques de santé


Key words





Tamil Nadu




Portuguese Empire




Courses taught at the EHESS


2015- 2017 | Histoire du fait colonial et impérial: Enjeux, problématiques, expériences [History of the Colonial and the Imperial: Stakes, Problematics, Experiences]

Since 2015 | Savoirs, institutions, économies. Histoires connectées et dynamiques globales [Knowledge, Institutions, Economics : connected histories and global dynamics]

Since2014 | Actualité de la recherche sur l'Asie du Sud (CEIAS Seminar) [Current Research on South Asia]

Since2006 | Missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique moderne. Conversion, parentés et lignages


Long-term invitations and keynotes (selection)


23 March - 5 May 2018 | Short-Term Visiting Senior Scholar in the South Asia Studies Department, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

27 - 30 September 2017 | Global Reformations: Transforming Early Modern Religions, Societies, and Cultures, International conference, Toronto, Keynote on 30 Sept. 2017.

1 February 2017 - 1 March 2017 | Visiting Professor at the Center for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

17 October 2016 | Duke University History Colloquium and 2016 Annual John Richards Lecture in Comparative World History, Invited Speaker.

9 - 14 May 2016 | Member of the Princeton PhD Seminar on Global History, Global History Collaborative, Princeton, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, organized by Jeremy Adelman, Princeton University, History Department,.

February - March 2016 | Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo University (Tobunken).

2012-2013 | Visiting Fellow, CERES (Center for Religious Studies), Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany, http://www.ceres.rub.de/participants/details/ines-g-zupanov/

30 May - 6 June 2009 | Visiting Scholar, Mellon Foundation Seminar: European Expansion, Catholic Mission, and the Early Modern World (organized by Ronnie Po-chia Hsia), The Pennsylvania State University, Department of History and Religious Studies Program.

2003-2004 | Wissenschafts Kolleg zuBerlin, Fellowship.


Publications (selection)


2015 | Catholic Orientalism: Portuguese Empire, Indian Knowledge (16th-18th c.), with Ângela Barreto Xavier, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015, pp. XXVI +386 pages.

2005| Missionary Tropics, Jesuit Frontier in India (16th-17th century), University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005, pp. 374.

1999 | Disputed Mission: Jesuit Experiments and Brahmanical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999, pp. 277.

Edited books or journal issues

2018 (forthcoming) | (with Pierre-Antoine Fabre) The Rites Controversies in the Early Modern World, Leiden: Brill, (forthcoming, 15 articles + Introduction)

2018 (forthcoming) | Oxford Handbook of the Jesuits, editor, New York: Oxford University Press, hard copy and electronic edition, Dec. 2018 (40 articles/40 authors + Introduction) (under contract). On-line edition forthcoming in 2017 on a roll-on basis.

2015 | (withCorinne Lefèvre and Jorge Flores), Cosmopolitisme en Asie du Sud: Sources, itinéraires, langues, collection Puruṣårtha, 33, Editions EHESS, Paris, 367p.

2014 | (with Anand Amaladass)Intercultural Encounter and the Jesuit Mission in South Asia (16th-18th Centuries), Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, 396p.

2013 | (with Marie Fourcade), L’Inde des Lumières: Discours, histoire, savoirs (XVI-XIXe s.) / Indian Enlightenment: Between Orientalism and Social Sciences (XVII-XIX century), Puruṣārtha, 31, Editions EHESS, Paris, 410p.

2011 | (with Ch. de Castelnau, A. Maldavsky and M.L. Copete), Circulation des savoirs et missions d’évangélisation (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles), Madrid: Casa de Velásquez/ EHESS, 2011, 501p.

2012 | (with Corinne Lefèvre), Cultural Dialogue in South Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Images and Community (16th-19th centuries), Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 55.2-3 (June 2012), Leiden.

2009 |(with Stephen Greenblatt, Reinhardt Meyer-Kalkus, Pal Nyiri, Frederike Pannewick, Heike Paul), Cultural Mobility, A Manifesto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009 (paperback 2010), 272p.

2008 | (withCaterina Guenzi) Divins remèdes: Médecine et religion en Asie du Sud, Puruṣårtha 27, Editions EHESS, Paris, 359p.

Articles and book chapters (since 2010)

2018 | “South Asia”, A Companion to Early Modern Catholic Global Missions, ed. Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, Leiden/Boston, Brill, pp. 237-268

2017 | “Managing Sacred Relics in Jesuit Asia (Sixteenth- and Seventeenth Centuries)”, Global Republic of Sacred Things, edited by Christine Goettler and Mia Mochizuki, Leiden, Brill, pp. 448-479.

2016 | “The Historiography of the Jesuit Missions in India (1500–1800)”, Jesuit Historiography Online ed. Robert A. Maryks, Leiden: Brill, Brill Online Reference Works, open access.

2016 | “Descriptive Visualizations: Appropriating images of nature in Portuguese Empire in Asia”, Visualizing Portuguese Power. The Political Use of Images in Portugal and Its Overseas Empire (16th to 18th Century), ed. Urte Krass, Berlin/Zurich: Diaphanes, pp. 261-288.

2016 | “Sinners and Confessors: Missionary dialogues in India, Sixteenth Century”, Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge, eds. Pius Malekandathil, Tanika Sarkar, Joy L. K. Pachuau, New Delhi: Primus pp. 119-140.

2016 | “Translating the Doctrina christiana: Jesuit Linguistic Mission before and after the Council of Trent (Sixteenth-Seventeenth century India)”, Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, eds. Michela Catto and Adriano Prosperi, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016, pp. 559-581.

2015 | “Forgery and the Specter of Philology, Katrina B. Olds. Forging the Past; Invented Histories in Counter-Reformation Spain. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2015. Pp. xiii, 422.” History and Theory, volume 56, no. 1 (March 2017), pp.1-17.

2015 | “Introduction”, with Corinne Lefèvre, Cosmopolitisme en Asie du Sud; Sources, Itinéraries, Langues (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles), Puruṣārtha, 33, (CEIAS/EHESS), 2015, pp. 13-44.

2015 | “Garcia de Orta’s Colóquios; Context and Afterlife of a Dialogue”, in Medicine, Trade and Empire Garcia de Orta's Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India (1563) in Context, ed. Palmira Fontes Costa, Ashgate Press, pp. 49-65.

2015 | “The Pulpit Trap: Possession and Personhood in Colonial Goa”, RES, Anthropology and Esthetics, 65/66: 2014/2015, pp. 298-315.

2014 | “Quest for Permanence in the Tropics: Portuguese Bioprospecting in Asia (16th-18th Centuries)”, with Angela Barreto Xavier, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57 (2014), pp. 511-548.

2014 | “Prologue: Perils of Translation: Missionary Writing in/on South Asia (16th-18th c.)”, in  Intercultural Encounter and the Jesuit Mission in South Asia, coedited with Anand Amaladass, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, 2014, pp. 1-20.

2014 | “Jesuit Proselytism versus Resilient Religious Pluralism: Two South Indian Missions in the 16th and 17th Centuries”, in Intercultural Encounter and the Jesuit Mission in South Asia, co-edited with Anand Amaladass, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, pp.198-225.

2013 | “Introduction – La question des Lumières en Inde: un champ à revisiter?,” with M. Fourcade, in L’Inde des Lumières; Entre orientalisme et sciences sociales (XVI-XIXe s.)/ Indian Enlightenment: Between Orientalism and Social Sciences (16th-19th centuries) co-edited with M. Fourcade, Puruṣārtha, CEIAS/EHESS.

2012 | “‘I am a great sinner’: Missionary Dialogues in India (16th century)”, Cultural Dialogue in South Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Images and Community (16th-19th centuries), coedited with Corinne Lefèvre, in Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 55.2-3 (June 2012), Leiden, pp. 415-446.

2012 | “Introduction”, with Corinne Lefèvre, Cultural Dialogue in South Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Images and Community (16th-19th centuries, coedited with Corinne Lefèvre, in Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 55.2-3 (June 2012), Leiden, pp. 1-5.

2012 | “Passage to India: Jesuit Spiritual Economy between Martyrdom and Profit in the Seventeenth Century”, Journal of Early Modern History, 16 (2012), pp. 1-39.

2011 | “El repliegue de lo religioso: misioneros jesuitas en la india del siglo xvii, entre la teología cristiana y la ética pagana”. Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad. Wilde, G. (comp.). Buenos Aires: Editorial SB, 2011, pp. 435-458. (Spanish translation of Annales (1993) article).

2011 | “El museo orientalista: las colecciones y grabados de los misioneros romanos” De lo antiguo a lo moderno; religión, poder y comunidad en la India, eds. Ishita Banerjee, Sourabh Dube, México City: El Colegio de México, 2011, pp. 305-348. (Spanish translation of “Orientalist Museum,” 2009).

2011 | “La science et la démonologie: les missions des jésuites français en Inde (XVIIIe siècle),” Circulation des savoirs et missions d’évangélisation (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), co-edited with Ch. de Castelnau, A. Maldavsky and M.L. Copete, Madrid: Casa de Velasquez/ EHESS, pp. 379-400.

2011 | “Introduction,” with Ch. de Castelnau, A. Maldavsky and M.L. Copete, Circulation des savoirs et missions d’évangélisation (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), co-edited with Ch. de Castelnau, A. Maldavsky and M.L. Copete, Madrid: Casa de Velasquez/ EHESS, pp. XI-XXIX.

2010 | Entries: “Accommodation,” “Santé” and “Religion” (with Caterina Guenzi),  Dictionnaire des faits religieux, Régine Azria and Danièle Hervieu-Leger, PUF, pp. 1-4 and pp. 126-131

2010 | “Jesuit Orientalism; Correspondence between Tomas Pereira and Fernão de Queiros”, Tomás Pereira, S.J. (1646-1708,) Life, Work and World, ed. Luís Filipe Barreto, Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, 2010. pp. 43-74.



Last update:21 November 2017 (NG)


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France

Tél. : +33 (0)1 49 54 83 94

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75006 Paris, France



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