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	L’inclusion financière en Inde - Interventions de Tara NAIR et Isabelle GUÉRIN

L’inclusion financière en Inde - Interventions de Tara NAIR et Isabelle GUÉRIN

Séance de l'atelier "Villes et régions dans la mondialisation" et projet FINED (CESSMA)

4 mai 2016 | 9h30 - 12h00

[Salle 638, 190 avenue de France 75013 Paris]



In Pursuit of an Inclusive Financescape in India: Changing Course, Shifting Goals


Tara Nair, Professor, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India (Exchange Scholar under the Indo-French Programme of Cooperation in Social Sciences, FMSH/ICSSR)

Financial inclusion, an expression that gained prominence in India since the mid-2000s, refers to the process of making the benefits of banking available to those sections excluded from financial markets due to a variety of reasons.  Though India had undertaken many initiatives in the past (including bank nationalization, introduction of lead bank scheme and service area approach, incorporation of regional rural banks, and mainstreaming of self help group-bank linkage programme) to extend the reach of banks to the unbanked population segments, financial inclusion became focused and structured project since 2005. The new institutional arrangements (zero balance accounts, branchless banking, business correspondent/business facilitator [BC/BF] model, and the latest Jan Dhan Yojana) introduced in the financial services sphere during this period have been radically different from those pursued in the previous decades. The presentation would strive to locate historically the philosophy and strategies of financial inclusion in India and to critically review the emerging financial inclusion architecture in the light of the restructuring of the banking sector (setting up of niche banks, formalisation of microfinance entities, proposed changes in the ownership structure of banks including that of regional rural banks RRBs, and the uncertain prospects of the SHG-Bank linkage programme).

Separate Self, Interdependent Self and New Financial Technologies. Lessons From Rural Southern India


Isabelle Guérin, Directrice de recherche, IRD-Cessma, affiliée à l'Institut Français de Pondichéry

In southern India, a massive effort has been made over the past decade to bank the unbanked. This has involved channelling social benefits through bank accounts, and using new technologies that allow transactions to be made in villages. This paper looks at how the various facets of money and finance have been affected by this “financial inclusion” programme. We first show that “bancarisation” is still far from well established. Most clients in fact have no contact at all with the banks, which remain a distant, unfamiliar world to them and bank saving remain negligible. Far beyond technical barriers, we argue that conflicting meanings of money and finance explain the low penetration of the banking “culture”.  Bank saving promotes a world view which is at odds with local norms and practices: money and finance are not thought about as the individual practices of separate individuals, but as a means to facilitate and cement social relations between interdependent individuals. Immobile, stored money is considered useless: money should circulate.


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