CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Marie-Claude Mahias

Marie-Claude Mahias

Senior Research Fellow (Emerita)
Field(s): Anthropology
Institutional affiliation(s): CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)

Professional contact information



Current position


CNRS Senior Research Fellow (Emerita)

Member of the CEIAS (Centre for South Asian Studies)

Member of the editorial boards of the journals Techniques et culture and L’Homme


Background and training


Diploma in Hindi and Indian Civilization (Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes)
Master’s degree in sociology (Université Paris V-René Descartes, 1971).
Affiliated with the Delhi School of Economics, Sociology Department, during an 18-month fellowship granted by the Ministère de l’Education (1972-1973).
PhD in Ethnology, Université Paris V-EHESS, 1981
Habilitation à diriger des recherches, EHESS 2002

Professional affiliations


Research Fellow at the CNRS since 1982 

UPR 191 "Techniques and culture" (1976-1998)

Member of the "Food and societies" network (1987-88)

Affiliated with the "History of food cultures and behaviors" RCP (1983-89) :

Scientific advisor for the Indian project Kalashiksha-Centre for the Study of Craft as Heritage (1991-1996)


CEIAS (1998-present):

Member of the “Hindu Rites, Transfers and Transformations” research team (1997-2001)

Member of the “Intertwining of religious and commercial ideals” research team (2002-2006)

In charge of the “Specialized knowledge and skills” research team (2001-2005)

Affiliated with the Euro-Asian Network of the Study of Everyday Technologies, Zurich (2007- 2009)


Areas of research


1. Anthropology of food and cooking: Jains in North India

2. Anthropology of techniques: theories, concepts, methods

3. Potters and pottery techniques in India

4. Kota women potters in the Nilgiris

5. Social anthropology of Digambar Jains: the “gift of food” to ascetics; wealth and ritual practices; worshipped images: lawfulness and consecration; the religious minority status; ascetics: initiation and organization; life stories.




Regular fieldwork in India from 1972 to 2010.

The evolution of scientific problematics led to change areas of fieldwork, from North India to South India, from the Jains—an urban merchant community—to multi-caste villages in Haryana, then subsequently to the Nilgiris, a so-called “tribal” region of Tamil Nadu.




In addition to occasional lectures in various universities: Paris I-Sorbonne (1990, 1991), Paris V-René Descartes (1995), Paris X-Nanterre (1997, 2001), INALCO (2002).

1995-97: Lectures at the EHESS: Analyse ethnologique des techniques en Inde

2006-2010: Seminar as part of the ‘South and East Asia’ Master’s program, at the EHESS : Anthropologie des techniques en Inde : processus, objets, saviors.


Invited lectures in Indian universities

Kolhapur, Université Shivaji, Sociology Department (1983),
Banaras Hindu University, Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archeology (1983),
New Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1991),
Mysore University, Department of Anthropology (1992).


Selected bibliography



1985 Délivrance et Convivialité. Le système culinaire des Jaina. Paris, Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 326 p., bibliography, index.

2002 Le Barattage du monde. Essais d'anthropologie des techniques en Inde. Paris, Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme (Archéologie expérimentale et ethnographie des techniques), 374 p., bibliography, glossary, indexes, 27 fig., 43 ill. insert.

2011 (Ed.) Making Knowledge through Action. Apprenticeship and Social Issues in South Asia. Paris, éd. de l’EHESS (‘Purushârtha’ series, No. 29), 294 p.




2006 “Le don de nourriture aux ascètes jains digambar : dynamique sociale et évolution,” pp. 423-462 in G. Colas & G. Tarabout (eds), Hindu Rites. Transfers and Transformations. Paris, EHESS, ‘Purusârtha’ series.

2009 “‘Vêtus d’espace’ : Dénouer les liens chez les Jains digambar (Inde),” pp. 189-208 in Herrou Adeline & Gisèle Krauskopff (eds) Moines et moniales de par le monde. La vie monastique au miroir de la parenté. Paris, L’Harmattan (Religion et Sciences Humaines).

2011 “Les potières kota (Nilgiri). Savoir-faire techniques, distinction des genres et fabrique des dieux,” pp. 159-204 in M.-C. Mahias (éd.), Making Knowledge through Action. Apprenticeship and Social Issues in South Asia. Paris, éd. de l’EHESS (‘Purushârtha’ series, No. 29).

2015 “La cuisson des galettes et des pains en Inde du Nord. Un aperçu de l’histoire du sous-continent,” pp. 277-289 in J.-P. Williot (ed.), Du feu originel aux nouvelles cuissons. Pratiques, techniques, rôles sociaux. Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang.


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France

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