array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "toto" [1]=> string(4) "titi"} Doing a PhD

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Doing a PhD

A PhD at the EHESS with the CEIAS as host research unit


All the CEIAS statutory PhD students are affiliated with the doctoral school of the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales—School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences).


The programs on offer within the EHESS doctoral school (ED 286):


More information of the EHESS website




CEIAS statutory PhD students are those who are registered at the EHESS and whose host research unit is the CEIAS—i.e. whose dissertation director is a statutory or associate faculty member or research fellow of the CEIAS, and whose PhD charter was signed by the CEIAS director(s).

List of CEIAS members accredited to direct PhD work

Michel BOIVIN | History, Historical Anthropology

Mathieu CLAVEYROLAS | Social Anthropology

Loraine KENNEDY | Political Economy, Political Geography

Aminah MOHAMMAD-ARIF | Social Anthropology

Fabrizio SPEZIALE | History, Historical Anthropology

Stéphanie TAWA LAMA | Political Science

Denis VIDAL | Social Anthropology

Ines G. ŽUPANOV | History



Finding a dissertation director

Depending on your topic and field, determine who is the best person to direct your dissertation then send them a letter with your file.

Putting together your file

Generally, the file comprises:

- Your M2 thesis—or thesis of equivalent French or foreign diploma

- A dissertation prospectus (NB: depending on the director, the number of pages required can vary from 2 to 15)

- A CV

An interview will then be scheduled with the dissertation director in the CEIAS offices (or via videoconference).

Once the director has agreed to take on the dissertation, the registration file can be compiled.

Registering at the CEIAS

- Fill out the registration form

- Have the form and the PhD charter signed by the dissertation director

- Have the PhD charter signed by the CEIAS director(s)

With these documents in hand, set an appointment with Nadia Guerguadjor drop by her office (No. 710) so that she can enter your file, show you around the CEIAS offices and put your name on the members list and on the PhD-student mailing lists.

Registering at the EHESS

NB: Each PhD program may require its own specific set of documents; check their instructions on the EHESS website

Turn in your complete file to the PhD program secretariat before the specified deadline. (See the calendar and the list of mandatory documents on the EHESS website or in the brochures of the various PhD programs).

Make sure you check the address of the PhD program secretariat before you go.

If the dissertation director has given her/his recommendation, the application file is brought before the Pedagogical Committee of the PhD Program and the PhD Commission of the EHESS.

An APD (Année préparatoire au doctorat—PhD preparatory year) may be recommended by the various authorities (dissertation director, Pedagogical Committee, Tuition Commission) for students who wish to change specializations and/or who may need significant scientific or linguistic remedial work.




As a research unit, the CEIAS can host PhD students, but does not have its own fellowship or scholarship funds.

PhD fellowships are granted by EHESS PhD programs. Candidates must apply in accordance with their field and with the support of their dissertation director.

The EHESS website includes a page that summarizes all the student calls.

The same information is provided on the website of the GIS Asie under the “Bourses, prix, contrats doctoraux” tab.

On the EFEO website, see the “Aide à la recherche” tab.


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Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud

54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France

Tél. : +33 (0)1 49 54 83 94

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La bibliothèque du CEIAS
Maison de l'Asie
22 avenue du Président Wilson 75016 Paris


La collection Purushartha
54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France



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