CECI n'est pas EXECUTE 2019-2021 | URLP - Interdisciplinary Survey of the Legacy related to Uderolal/Zindapir in the Indus Valley – Udero Lal Research Project

Recherche | Projets et programmes financés

2019-2021 | URLP - Interdisciplinary Survey of the Legacy related to Uderolal/Zindapir in the Indus Valley – Udero Lal Research Project

Cordinators: Michel Boivin (CNRS-CEIAS) and Masooma Shakir (N. E. D. University)


In October 2019, a new research project « Interdisciplinary Survey of the Legacy related to Uderolal/Zindapir in Sindh – Uderolal Research Project (ULRP) » was started by the CEIAS and N.E. D. University (Karachi). It is jointly funded by the French Embassy in Pakistan and the High Eucation Committee (Islamabad).

The Udero Lal Research Project (ULRP) visions to highlight the interaction between the local society of Sindh and the Indus River, in centering on the material legacy that has been constructed throughout the centuries. The ULRP plans to survey first the material culture that shows the multidimensional involvement of the local people with the Indus River. It will include the built structures, as well as art expressions, such as iconography, architecture, decorations, etc. The main case study will be the darbar of Udero Lal, about 50kms north of Hyderabad, for the relationship between the local people and the Indus River was embodied in a sacred figure, known under many different names, from Jhulelal to Zinda Pir. Secondly, the project will analyze how the sacred figures related to the Indus River was appropriated by different communities, and how his life narrative draw peaceful and balanced relations between the different communities, firstly Hindus and Muslims. Several sites related to his life narratives will be surveyed, such as the physical remnants of his birthplace in Nasarpur, along with the place of his qabr / samadhi, as well as the Zinda Pir island in Rohri. It will reveal the multiple ways through which the local groups associated this figure with the Indus River, and how the River nurtured the local life.



Suneela Ahmed, N. E. D University

Rahat Arsalan, N. E. D University

Fahmida Bano, N. E. D University

Michel Boivin, CNRS-CEIAS

Masooma Shakir, N. E. D University

Delphine Ortis, CEIAS-INALCO

Saba Sindhri, CEIAS-EHESS



a) to document the historical sites linked to the life and veneration of Udero Lal/Khwaja Khizr in Sindh

b) to create a profile of the communities that take care and maintain the sacred places

c) to document the history and markers related to the history of the places and their evolution

d) to document the evolution of the relations of the place with water source, a sacred life giving element and its importance for the supporting community in tangible usable terms.

e) to engage and train students in interdisciplinary research of historical sites and their evolved relations withthe surrounding community / settlement.



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