CECI n'est pas EXECUTE 2010-2014 | Chance2Sustain – Cites and Sustainable Development

Recherche | Projets et programmes financés

2010-2014 | Chance2Sustain – Cites and Sustainable Development

Coordination : Loraine Kennedy (statutaire CNRS)


The CEIAS is a partner in a new EU-funded research project (7th Framework) called:  “Urban Chances - City growth and the sustainability challenge”, or “Chance2Sustain”. This four-year project brings together participants from seven countries (Brazil, France, India, Norway, Peru, South Africa, The Netherlands), collaborating under the scientific leadership of the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam. The project is coordinated by the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Germany. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Nairobi, Kenya is a dissemination partner.

The central aim of this interdisciplinary project is to examine how governments and citizens in cities with differing urban economic bases make use of participatory (or integrated) spatial knowledge management to direct urban governance towards more sustainable development. A focus on the politics of knowledge generation and sharing and on the forms of knowledge that are used or ignored in urban policy-making provide an innovative prism through which to approach urban governance. For instance, utilizing spatially disaggregated community-based knowledge to address urban basic needs or plan future developments in a more integrated fashion is still rare and contested by governments.


Project participants have identified five key research issues or workpackages (WP). These are:

Large-scale economic and infrastructure projects in fast-growing cities and alternative economic strategies;

Policies and politics to address urban inequality: poor people networks, civil society networks and campaigns on sub-standard settlements in metropolitan areas;

Environmental risk assessment and inclusive scenario building for reducing costs: reconciling the green and brown agenda;

Developing participatory ‘spatial’ knowledge models in metropolitan governance networks for urban sustainable development;

Combining fiscal decentralization, participatory budgeting, and inclusive development: supporting sustainable development policies, monitoring and implementation.


Members of CEIAS participating in the project are Véronique Dupont, Loraine Kennedy and Aurélie Varrel. Other collaborators in the CNRS network are the French Institute of Pondicherry and the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi (USR 3330).

More information available on the project website:  http://www.chance2sustain.eu/7.0.html

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